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  1. I will be passing through Florida in a few days time. Can anyone advise me which are the better skydiving gear stores within an hour's drive of Orlando? So far I have the Sunshine Factory and the gear store at Deland. Any other suggestions?
  2. I got mine from a fishtank supplier (sits on a glass ledge around the top, and then the lid of the fishtank sits on the foam). You may want to get onto bonehead though and see if they can send you some.
  3. I have set my trv d box up on a FT narrow the same way as Iwan has, and have never had any problems with it. The camera sits snug, and can be taken out and put back in without worrying my sighting (have not had problems yet). Regards the foam in the box, I find that the foam stuck to the roof of the box deteroriates first, but taking the door off completely and rotating it 180 degrees after about 150 jumps keeps the fit nice and snug. After 300 jumps I replace the foam completely (and start the cycle again). The camera really is quite tight once the door is closed and the red cable is routed.
  4. Thanks for the comprehensive reply Derek. So let me get this straight - there are still 50 questions, but they are selected from the bank of 118 (well, 116 really with the doubles) instead of 305? I guess the average test result is going to get even higher this year.
  5. An FAA question for DPREs or those helping new riggers: I understood that for the senior rigger test, 50 questions were selected from a bank of 290. But when I look at the latest (11/23/2004) Parachute Rigger Test Questions Bank on the FAA website , I only see 118 questions. Can anyone explain this to me?
  6. They are not required here in Australia, but there has been a reasonable amount of debate over the last 12 months as to wether it should be mandated. One option that has (is) being looked at is paper seals.
  7. I have just finished a major vid project (about 20 mins) which I cut from about 8 hours of footage. Burned my first DVD and realised that I have only used a few basic transitions / effects thoughout. The ones I used most were: * standard 'cross-disolve' for fading to/from black, * Footage sped up (funny parts of the vid), or slowed down (for great tandem exits or tumbling AFFies on exits etc), and * 'find edges' using black and white on the occasional formation I'd be keen to know - does anyone have any favourite effects that they use for skydiving vids. And a similar question, does anyone know of an effect or combo of effects in Premiere Pro that will make footage look like it's 'old'? (the dropped frames, the tan colour that gets applied to footage etc). Thanks guys and gals. Shivon
  8. I'd be interested to hear opinions on preferred exit positions for filming AFF (out of small Cesnas - 182 for example, right hand 'up-swinging' door). My normal position for two instructors is to hang off the back of the door (two hands), with my right foot on the strut (letting the first jump master and student step over my foot on the strut as they go for their foot holds). For AFF jumps with a single instructor, (and I am assuming the terminology is the same for you US guys), I take the spot normally occupied by Jumpmaster 1 (outside float) and go off poised with the student. Advantage of hanging off the door is that I find it a very natural position to get up and over the formation on the hill if required, and I am too far away from (and behind) the student for them to grab my handles etc. Advantage of taking the JM1 slot is that I can gently rest my hand on the student's rig or shoulder so that I can easily time the exit (when the key's aren't always clear [our students key the exit]). Keen to hear your thoughts on what works for you and why you like it. Shivon
  9. In my opinion, age does not necessarily affect the integrity of a container (if it is well maintained), but I think you also need to look at the attribues of the container vs the experience of the jumper in question. The easy solution is to get your rigger to check it out before you buy. People who are selling equipment and are not happy with you getting a second opinion should probably not be trusted (IMO). Likewise, I think that most riggers feel the same way I do in that I would rather to talk to a student about a prospective rig before they buy. That way, I am not going to be asked to fix something that I can not certify as airworthy, or make repairs I am not comfortable with.
  10. Does anyone know if non-US citizens can also become accredited Senior Riggers? Ie, can a non-US citizen attend (and pass) a course conducted in the US by a DPRE, and then sit the written test with the FAA? I have heard of Canadian guys doing it, but what about people from Europe, Asia, etc.
  11. I just desperately wish they would get their website up to date. I guess it might be better if you're in the US when you can easily call them, but if you're dealing with Mriage from overseas (and other time zones), the website is a very important front end to their operation.
  12. The title of the post dragged me in - I just couldn't resist. I think that the most important test of my riggers ticket was the when a very experienced tandem master approached me not long after I was qualified wanting me to pencil pack a tandem reserve with a cypress two years out of date for batteries. He was happy to pay for a repack, but drew the line at splashing out for batteries. It doesn't seem like much now, but at the time it took a lot of guts to hand the rig back and say 'no'. To me, the most important test of a rigger is that of integrity - when you are being 'leaned on' by a sky god to do something you know is not ethical, cuts corners, or is just plain illegal. As a side note, my first save was on my own rig. After cutting away, I got stable and whilst reached for the silver the fact dawned on me. Well, I guess I'm still here.
  13. Since I started packing reserves, I occasionally come into contact with old rigs (ie, 15 year +) rigs which people keep refurbishing and putting back in the air. A friend of mine was recently given a container manufactured in the early 80s which he is cleaning up for use with a square reserve. New parts include new main and reserve bags and pilot chutes, along with main risers. I think he is doing it for the novelty more than anything (he normally jumps a very modern rig). I was wondering though - does anyone have any horror stories of old rigs that have been put back into service only to have a major component (like a main lift web, or a riser) fail? Regardless of how good the harness looks, is there an age where we should no longer trust the reserve harness / assembly to withstand the required forces? Shivon.
  14. I like rear float off the door (like diablopilot). I find it an easy position to get nice and stable from the exit, and a good position to get the Tandem with the plane in the background for a good few seconds.