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Everything posted by yoink

  1. Yeah. I can’t think of many DZs in the UK that were super hostile to BASE jumping in itself. There WERE people at DZs who were hostile to new jumpers if they turned up with an attitude, saying skydiving is for pussies or the like. For the OP - Any time you want to do something different on a DZ, such as jumping base gear in rented harnesses you need to respect that you’re asking them to alter their procedures to make life easy specifically for YOU. Those alterations mean an increase in risk for the dz, however slight, so you have to EARN the right to ask that type of favor by not being a dick about it and showing that you’ve thought everything through from their point of view as well as your own.
  2. Following up on my ‘I’m pissed with the democrats rant’, this article hits the nail on the head: https://www.joshbarro.com/p/republicans-are-willing-to-pay-a There is the opportunity for the Republican Party to pay a significant political price here, if only the democrats are aggressive enough (without being foaming-at-the-mouth extreme) to capitalize on it.
  3. Of course it’s flawed. It was written for a completely different society. If you tried to interpret and map Stone Age societal values to a space age civilization of course you’re going to run into issues there too… I’d have no problems with the 2nd amendment if it limited ownership to fucking muskets and black powder.
  4. They could have had a million people organized and ready to protest in every state capital as soon as this decision came. Instead, NOTHING. Im so pissed off with them right now.
  5. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/democrats-roe-v-wade-singing-b2108959.html ‘House Democrats called ‘f***ing useless’ for singing God Bless America by Capitol after Roe ruling’ ‘Leave it to Democratic leadership to bring a sing-along to a gunfight where Republicans are using Bazookas and Jet fuel to torch our rights’ wrote one critic on Twitter’ This is what I’ve been saying. Nice and respectful doesn’t work if the other team isn’t playing by the same set of rules. When your enemy gives you 3 weeks notice where he’s going to hit, you’d better have a damned good counter attack planned. A singalong doesn’t cut it.
  6. No chance. The guy who wrote that, Clarence Thomas, is in an interracial marriage himself.
  7. The US is a dumpster fire right now.
  8. yoink


    That’s the smart money bet, and this time the bad guys k ow what works and what doesn’t. I honestly think there’s a chance that the next presidency might be the end of the US as a legitimate democracy.
  9. Again, again and AGAIN Brent breaks the forum rules. "External text from other sources: Copying and pasting the words of somebody else is not a conversation. At the very least, the person should make a comment in relation to the wall of text they've copied and posted so we know where the poster himself stands in relationship to it. Give it some context so you aren't simply acting as a copy and paste meat robot on behalf for some PR firm, lobbying group, or news site" @mods - I'm genuinely curious - what exactly does a troll need to do to be banned? Do you honestly think he adds value here? This isn't dissenting conversation. This is NO conversation. You KNOW Brent is a troll, but you put up with it. Why?
  10. Personally I think the electoral college is our biggest problem. Everything else, including Supreme Court and gun ownership stems from there.
  11. I agree. But simply hoping people will stop acting like assholes out of the goodness of their hearts is absurdly nieve, and gives all the tactical advantage away. That’s one of the primary reasons the Republicans have been so successful in the last 6 years - they were getting beat, so they changed the rules of engagement and their opposition has been slow to adapt to the new game. When everything else you’ve tried hasn’t worked, at some point you are forced to stop a bully by hitting back. The left need to take a lesson from Ender Wiggin.
  12. It's dirty and there's a LOT about it I don't like. That said, I've said for a while that the democrats need to start playing the republicans at their own game because at some point turning the other cheek simply leaves you battered and abused. I'm hopeful that a short sharp shock of highlighting the hypocrisy of politicians will blunt that behavior, and the need for these distasteful tactics in the future. I doubt it, but that's my hope.
  13. Right? I'm WASTED in an organization who has 'Integrity' as one of it's core values. I keep telling them this.
  14. Boebert is reacting to this all wrong. She should be screaming from the rooftops that she's the icon of the american dream - A former escort (insert sob story) who's now a member of Congress. The right would lap that up.
  15. I just don't see it. The Republican party have shown time and again that they're more than willing to completely ignore any moral judgement or legal evidence if it protects their political power and interests, and Trump is still valuable to them.
  16. At the very least can we please get a decent waiting period if you want a gun? Any gun. Not discriminatory. There is simply no situation anyone can reasonably find themselves in where they NEED an AR-15 that same day.
  17. I believe a US marine is required to attend a 2 week refresher course EVERY YEAR for firearms certification, with half of that being live fire exercises. And that's for someone who is formally trained. (correction welcome) The civilian currency requirements should not be less than the military. (excluding military specific training scenarios) Edit - that goes for LEOs too, IMO.
  18. You might want to think about getting a mini-gun. you know, just to be safe.
  19. Being armed as a professional requirement is different to being armed at all times. I'm fortunate enough that my neighbor is on the security detail of a senior politician and we've had this discussion a number of times over beers. His comments reflect the same conversation I've had with special forces soldiers from several nations during my skydiving career. 1 - Leave it to the professionals. They train for it every day, and even they make mistakes. The idea that a civilian will hit their targets in a stressful situation is only a little short of fantasy. 2 - When it's not work time, they put their guns away. Because they're not afraid every moment of every day. (for the most part) Carrying a gun at home is an indication of insecurity, nor strength. To me, that says that civilians should not be allowed to buy guns barring a) exceptional lifestyle circumstances, or b) specific training and currency requirements, including mental health checks.
  20. I'll be honest dude, my son is starting school this August and I'm scared. Scared enough to consider that arming teachers might be a solution, even though intellectually I know it's not. Even though I know it's a fucking TERRIBLE solution. But what other options do I have apart from either having schools monitored like prisons, or arming my kid? This isn't going to change. Guns aren't going away and the depression rate among teenagers is only going up. Right now I'd love to hear some realistic ideas that don't rely on big-sky theory.
  21. You do know that your avatar doesn't indicate your gender, right?