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I think addressing demographics play a major role in solving the problem. White Middle class suburbanites represent the majority of suicides. Rednecks and white trash Rural lower income and blue collar workers are notorious for domestic violence, hence the term "wife-beater" given to certain styles of clothing. 30% of domestic homicide victims are black women, even though they only represent 6% of the population. Are cops to blame for those disproportionate figures as well? Likely that last one the majority is urban poor so race not a factor either but as percentages were included would need to see the socioeconomic numbers. Where did I ever say race was a factor? It is what it is. People that react like this are most likely operating on an implulsive level of psycological development wrt conflict resolution - however, their milage may vary. When one provides only DNA-based data, it implies that the DNA is the reason. If one bases their solutions on only DNA-based data, they're not only not fully addressing the problem, they're impacting others that were not affected. Saying something is only a gender, race, orientation, or other DNA based criteria problem is easy but also belittling to those that have that DNA criteria (as the default response is to pity and want to "help" them) but not impacted and are made to feel as they are now somehow responsible for "fixing" it. The DNA doesn't matter. If we're going to group people, let's do it by things they can change: citizenship status, education, criminal record, income, religion, location, etc. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
I think addressing demographics play a major role in solving the problem. White Middle class suburbanites represent the majority of suicides. Rednecks and white trash Rural lower income and blue collar workers are notorious for domestic violence, hence the term "wife-beater" given to certain styles of clothing. 30% of domestic homicide victims are black women, even though they only represent 6% of the population. Are cops to blame for those disproportionate figures as well? Likely that last one the majority is urban poor so race not a factor either but as percentages were included would need to see the socioeconomic numbers. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
DNC Convention: BLM Leader tells white people to move to the back".
Bolas replied to CameraNewbie's topic in Speakers Corner
I'm just going by what their leaders have stated on news interviews, talk shows, etc. However, their actions state otherwise, such as in this video. It will be pretty impossible to debate otherwise by the statements made in this video. That is, unless the leaders of BLM publicly state that the racist words/actions of these group members and organizers are not endorsed or condoned by BLM Inc. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. -
What a messed up message. "Partisan based voting laws are allowed, as long as minorities aren't discriminated." The court is basically saying since black=Democrat, Republicans can't make voting laws favorable to their party, but Democrats can. How about no partisan voting laws? Better yet, how about voting districts based on geographic lines, not partisan lines? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Both may be a shill for Gary Johnson.
I have given this some thought, also. However, I know of no country with single-payer/NHS in which there are rules that limit one's freedom. I have known companies that fund/provide/cover health costs for employees in which this has been a factor. One company that I used to visit in Georgia would not hire any smokers. And, if any current employee(s), who were smokers, that did not go into a no-smoking plan, they would be dismissed. Looks like the private sector is more of a problem than is the gov't. Jerry Baumchen if one does not like the choices a company makes, a person can choose to leave that company or not pursue employment with them. If one's government were to impose such restrictions, one would have very few legal options. Interesting you chose smoking as that would be an ideal place for a government to start restricting to "cut health costs." Once the precedent was set... Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
But it still has nothing to do with the facts of the issue. The money is a separate issue and you still shouldn't be surprised people are making money off the conflict. Whether or not a pro or anti (insert name here) reform group is getting money doesn't change the facts of whatever the issue actually is. There's a distinct difference between a company/industry making money off a law/regulation and one that is directly or indirectly financed by the government especially if that government has massive debt issues.
At least not until the costs associated with those behaviors are born by those engaged in them. That is my biggest concern about socialized medicine: if the government becomes responsible for paying for health expenses for all, a person's "risky" behaviors become the government's liability and then can limit one's freedom. You can't expect to maintain freedom if you forgo personal responsibility. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
That is a truly frightening, sobering statement. Is it? Because to me it sounds like virtually every political issue in the entire country. I don't care what the issue is, pro or anti, people on both sides are making a living off of the conflict and have no actual interest in solving the issue; simply continuing it. I see this particular issue as no different. With that in mind, the fact of money going to both sides should algebraically cancel each other out. Bringing up the money in and of itself is therefore more than likely just a ploy to sway a person since it almost always shows up on both sides. Maybe not in balance, but it's almost certainly there nonetheless. The money aspect should probably not be a factor in whether you think a position is good or bad. Leave that to the facts of the issue itself unless you can prove some sort of other shenanigans like bribery and even then blame the parties involved not the issue. Depends where the money is coming from. If the money is coming from the government to both sides then it's just a never ending increasing cycle. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Where does this 50% come from? Is it arrests or convictions? What is the breakdown of the 50% in terms of crime? Misdemeanours or Felonies? Violent vs non-violent? You keep quoting that study, when the numbers are actually against you. If blacks make up 13% of the population, the death-by-cop numbers should be half that for them. For the given stats to be acceptable, your 50% figure up top would have to be composed entirely of crimes that deserved and resulted in a lethal outcome for the perp. This is yet another reason why all these race based statistics are useless. For one, people in less population dense areas also tend to have less police per person and definitely per mile so would have less police interactions. Second, the racial stats of a population have no correlation with the racial stats of police interactions. This is sort of like saying "25% of dogs are Labs so around 25% of reported dog bites should be Labs" Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
So from your post you agree this is not a race issue, it's socioeconomic. Very rarely do innocent compliant people get shot, and in those cases the officer is generally brought up on charges/convicted. However, should someone refuse to comply with an officers instructions and be seen as a threat to the public or the officers themselves they will be dealt with, force escalating as needed. As for leaving the bodies of even guilty people out to rot, if they just tried to kill those officers, they may need some time just to destress. The police aren't robots. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Except in our current assistance programs such short sightedness is allowed for and in some cases practically encouraged. It all comes down to what can be done to break the poverty cycle? Assistance alone won't do it, only perpetuate it. Of course the myriad of public and private programs that overlap and duplicate each other complicates things as well. Perhaps better definition and support by the government of those deemed (for lack of better word) "viable" and less or conditional support of those deemed (again, for lack of better word) "habitual." Once again, private charities allowed to support whomever they wish but perhaps discouraged from targeting the "viable" on assistance to ensure the government assistance is fair and adequate. Ex: Veterans charities. The more the charities provide for the veterans the less the government feels obligated to and provides even less. Cycle repeats. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
If they are born struggling just to have basic survival needs met, why are they having children? That's the piece that doesn't track. Or are you stating that their situation prevents them from thinking things through and act solely on impulse and in the moment? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Would prefer this restated as a two parent family but then a mother figure and a father figure don't necessarily have to be a man and a woman.
Vaguely recall a four-way team (Airspeed?) that moved to their second point before everybody was even fully outside the door. Believe the judges counted it as while people were partly still in the aircraft, they were not touching any part of it. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Freeloading, if allowed unchecked, grows as those freeloading tend to have children who freeload continuing and expanding the cycle as well as others see freeloaders "getting away with it" may choose to start freeloading "why should I work when they don't and get stuff free " who then also have children... Disagree NOTHING will get rid of all the freeloaders, but will concede that what it would require in the extreme cases would not be palatable to most. Our government needs to stop trying to save everyone, especially from themselves. Should private charities decide to step in and support the former freeloaders, would have no issue with that. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
sounds awesome, however cannot be legislated nor enacted in any way whatsoever. Not realistic, and not ever implemented or reflected at any time in the history of the world. Nothing more than ideology. We actually live in a real world, not some fantasy of what utopia that you think is even possible. Untrue. While one could not necessarily make a singe "personal responsibility/accountability" law/policy, it's a concept that can be effectively incorporated into laws and policy by ensuring no one gets something for "free." The reason it is generally not done is because such laws and policies would cause people to die if they did not take care of themselves. An easy example would be food. If one were to take the extremist position that all food has to be bought and paid for, people who can't afford it would starve and die. On the contrary, if one were to take the extremist position that all food is "free", people would realize they don't have to do anything to eat. Neither position is reasonable. Anytime there is a "safety net" you're going to have people for one reason or another that never get off it: basically the only reason they're still alive is because others are supporting them. What personal accountability/responsibility proposes is that everyone contributes in some way. Assistance may still be offered but it comes with stipulations and requirements all designed to lessen or eliminate the need for it in the future? What's the solution? I think at some point a person's societal value should be factored in. Are they a contributing member of society, neutral, minor detriment, or burden? What is their history/prospects? What could be done to mitigate future negative impact such as reversible sterilization? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Rather than give credit or affix blame, perhaps aim for..."we are going to have to put aside our prejudice and open our pockets and minds to help fix it." This is a socioeconomic issue, not racial. However due to current immigration laws and past laws and policies some races are impacted more than others. Who's we? The government? They're the enablers, not the solution. Those not involved can only assist but any attempts made to "fix" this for them will not only fail miserably but also increase the problem and increase anger by others over entitlement. About the only thing the government could do to help would be immigration and drug law reform. -Jane Austen Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Given that 2000 people die in gun violence every month in the USA, I am not really sure where that 'break' is coming for the emotions to lessen.... It is ongoing and that is absolutely a shitty excuse for inaction. Was referring to mass casualty events. At this point the bodies aren't even cold before people are screaming for more gun control and anyone who disagrees wants this to happen to others including their loved ones. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Study finds no racial bias in police shootings
Bolas replied to brenthutch's topic in Speakers Corner
While Kallend has a solid point, I agree that keeping his hand out of sight was moronic and pretty much sealed his fate. Being a moron is not a capital offense either. I wonder what your reaction would have been - if you had the responsibility of protecting the people around you. In that exact situation. I wonder what would you have done? Not now - not after you have had time to dissect every moment f the encounter. But in real time as it unfolded. My bet is your reaction would have been about the same as mine and the same as the officers. So you're OK with summarily executing someone for being a disobedient moron threat. Nice to know that. FIFY. Until it was over, nothing was known about the person aside from they weren't complying. How do you propose officers deal with potential threats to themselves and others if the person won't comply? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. -
Study finds no racial bias in police shootings
Bolas replied to brenthutch's topic in Speakers Corner
https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-video-shows-fatal-shooting-083124923.html Actual shooting is shown. Dude wouldn't listen to the cops so it appears like suicide by cop. Though I think the couple of shots they did after he was already laying there crossed the line. Graphic video. One additional thing of note. The suspect didn't just pull over to the side of the road, he pulled into a gas station so the officers also had to be concerned for the safety of all the people there as well as their own. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. -
Anyone that tries to exploit a tragedy to promote their agenda based on tools used in an attack is sickening. Wait until emotions lessen before proposing changes. After a tragedy, we all should be coming together to heal. Part of that healing process is identifying and dealing with the attacker(s) and their (flawed) reasoning. We have a large scale worldwide violence problem. The tools used are immaterial. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
Study finds no racial bias in police shootings
Bolas replied to brenthutch's topic in Speakers Corner
Not only that, but what was done to fix it. Many mistakes were made, some innocent with the best intentions but others were intentionally exploitive. Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. -
This is a common theme in government and corporate America. People are being asked to do more and more with less and less. If they somehow succeed (generally by "throwing things over the wall" or doing the bare minimum instead of a good job) they're "rewarded" with more to do but less resources ad infinitum. We're killing ourselves, literally and figuratively, for what? Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.
seriously, now you are looking objectively at each individual situation and trying to assess each based on what facts you know so far - instead of lumping them all together and spitting out bumper sticker rhetoric. Next thing you know, you'll start treating people as individuals instead of members of a stereotype of a demographically defined PC dictionary or even change your mind as new information comes to light..... HOW DARE YOU SIR!! Both of you. Your one warning...