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Everything posted by Zep

  1. I find insomnia and a 410 works every time. Gone fishing
  2. I think the blame for the bible has to go not so much to the writers of the short stories but to the editorial company "Constantine & co." after all they left all the juicy parts out. Gone fishing
  3. Zep

    Im Back!

    Didn't realize you were missing, till you mentioned you're back. Gone fishing
  4. Same to you. I went to bed at 10.30 as today I have a full house (restaurant) and wanted to get the bacon in early. Gone fishing
  5. It's Christmas the ALIENS want more LONG PORK. Gone fishing
  6. Yeah she will, From her posts over the last few years she's set the bar to high. Maybe she should think of moving to Europe. Or the southern states. I live in the southernmost point in the US. Shallowest dating pool in the world down here. Drunks, druggies, sexual assaulters, players, liars, misogynists, grown men looking for sugar mommas... you name it, it's disgusting and they're here and preying on every single woman in sight. I did have a great date to a Christmas party last week. Last month I pleasantly, unexpectedly reconnected with the first guy I went on a couple of dates with when I first moved here. Treats me with a ton of respect and like a princess, is always a total gentleman and is extremely smart and very kind. He was a great sport at this party and was very engaging and sweet to some people important to me and my future.
  7. Yeah she will, From her posts over the last few years she's set the bar to high. Maybe she should think of moving to Europe. Or the southern states. Gone fishing
  8. Illegal emigrants are criminals right, Just saying Gone fishing
  9. He he he. atleast someone got the joke. Gone fishing
  10. Zep

    Retail therapy...

    +10 Unless I'm getting stuff for someone else. Then I enjoy it. Quote Not even then and I've got nine kids, Bring back the days of Meccano, Leggo and Barbi. Gone fishing
  11. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-south-east-wales-30366817 Sorry, couldn't help it. Gone fishing
  12. Zep


    Today was my first day salt free, freshly ground pepper and chili flakes helped but it still sucks. I'm going to miss the bacon, panceta and fried eggs. Gone fishing
  13. Zep


    Been feeling a little light headed for a while, now I know why. Systolic 230 Diastolic 64 Pulse 80 Got to get myself a smaller wine glass. Gone fishing
  14. Much like everything else. Great at the right time and place, bad some other time. Best answer given. Also due to my age I've had several prostate examinations, each time I've found it embarrassing and uncomfortable. Gone fishing
  15. So, yes, I do think it matters. I think it especially matters when you take under consideration the long term effects a President can have on social policy through his appointment of judges and nomination of Supreme Court Justices. Now that's really scary Gone fishing
  16. http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30100973 Gone fishing
  17. That's it Voldemort not Dracula, I got blindsided by Kate Beckinsale. Gone fishing
  18. Is it just my imagination or does that third picture look like Count Dracula in profile. Gone fishing
  19. Not a great turn out, I was hoping for at least a 60 or 70% turn out, but of the two and a half million who voted 80% voted for Catalunya to become an independent state. That's around 2 million signatures being sent to the UN and Brussels asking Spain to change it's constitution and set Catalunya free. Gone fishing
  20. Zep


    I hope you manage to contact her and that she is OK. I really liked her attitude that she showed through her posts. I think we all have a mental picture of posters that we don't personally know. My picture of her is of the old blood and guts true grit type of person, Like how you'd picture an old frontiers type. Mind you I'm not saying that she's old (She might come back and give me a tongue lashing for that) Anyway I hope she's OK. Gone fishing
  21. "you're part of a country run by a democratically elected government" You jest, Now you've just gone and spoilt my happy feeling Gone fishing
  22. What a great day for Catalunya. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29974635 Knowing that I will never in my life time see a free Catalunya I cast my vote in the hopes that my children and their children will one day know the freedom that the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Visca Catalunya Visca Catala. Gone fishing
  23. OMG I think she had an orgasm. Gone fishing
  24. one is full of hot air the other is a dirigible No silly, they both went down in flames Gone fishing
  25. Whitehouse lawn seems like a real good place, Government serving the people an all. Gone fishing