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Everything posted by skydivah1

  1. Got a kid on the way and wonder what kind of influence a skydiving parent has on a child? Thanks!
  2. In relation to a velocity (comp or otherwise), how do the flight characteristics compare? Is it a serious step up in performance such as recovery arc, swooping distance, rear riser power, flare power? Could you offer a good side by side comparison for a velo flyer who is interested in jumping the fence?
  3. Got my velo back today with thinner hma 500s on her and got to thinking: Does less wind resistance mean that you gain extra distance (how ever miniscule that may be) but AT THE SAME SPEED? In other words, you're carried further - not because of extra speed - but because you have less hindrance in parasitic drag which keeps you swooping across the ground further? The initial "gate speed" is the same but you will have gained more ground before it begins to die off? OR You gain more distance because you have extra speed due to less wind resistance?? Or A combination of both? Somebody sort me out here...
  4. sorry here's the link
  5. Looking to purchase my first RDS setup and I'm leaning towards the design of TST's RDS. The ring attachment seems to be the most simplified and effective system in relation to UPT's or PD's. It can be found here: http://www.chutingstar.comslider/skydive/rds I'm looking for opinions and reviews from anybody who has a substantial amount of jumps on this system. Setup time? Ease of use? Abnormal line wear? Hard openings? Thanks!
  6. I think OP's description of Petra lite is a little misleading. This canopy is designed for those cross braced canopy pilots who have fully explored canopies like the jvx or velocity and what something a little more but not to the extreme of the petra which is most likely a sub-terminal-only canopy for competitive swooping. The petra is not a practical canopy for everyday use - thus the P-lite. The P-lite is probably being designed for full terminal deployment and can be used in most skydiving day-to-day applications but again the target skydiver would be the velo or jvx pilot with thousands of jumps to his/her credit on that particular wing. Unless the p-lite flight characteristics are going to be very similar to the jvx/velo, then there are only a small fraction of jumpers who should even consider the p-lite let alone the original petra. I suspect a big increase in incidents will occur when these wings are let loose on the market.
  7. I guess my next question is: Does PD verify that their system in removable-slider-only configuration is ok to deploy at full terminal?
  8. I just found info on my lanyard question here:' Although, I still can't determine how the lanyard is attached to the slider tape loops. Is it a knot of some kind?
  9. I can't seem to find anything online. Every gear store seems to only sell full RDS. Besides, the only difference between RDS and a sole removable slider is that there is a lanyard option on the RDS. As far as the slider's concerned, everything is generally designed the same. If there's a cheaper option could somebody direct me to the right website?
  10. Thinking about getting an RDS system but only for the removable slider part. My d-bag and p-chute will remain attached to the top skin. My question is this: What do you do with the lanyard that is attached to the slider which runs to the d-bag when in full RDS mode? Is the lanyard easily removable or is there a special stowing procedure?
  11. Here's my buddy Ripley watching it rain one day. He's a Lab/Rotweiller mix.
  12. The trick with tandems is energy conservation. If you do 10-12 tandems in a day, there are little things you can do - like have the student help you tighten down the lateral connectors in the plane, let them steer the canopy and if you feel comfortable enough have them help you flare (although I don't recommend this in case the student locks up because of groundrush) If you do flare on your own there are ways of using your shoudler and arm muscles efficiently as to conserve energy. Have one of your local experienced TMs show you this technique. Oh yeah - I think that you should go for it!
  13. Try There's an awesome free-fly shirt on there that you guys might love. It's very unique.
  14. Ok guys, here's the scoop: My Vodoo (the newer model) is not the rig everyone thinks. Comfort is #1. You won't find a more comfortable rig anywhere. My biggest beef with the vodoos are that their riser covers suck. My friend had to cut his main away after one of his riser covers came out (and so did his risers) and when he deployed, it was all shit. Secondly, contrary to their advertisements, there are no secondary riser covers on the Vodoos now. They need them - trust me. It's not good when your riser covers come out when you put your rig on. If they fixed this problem, it would be an A+ container. My pick? Mirage 1st (excellent riser/pin protection and unique line stowing) and Vector Micron 2nd. I have friends with both rigs and I've jumped and packed both. My next rig is a Mirage.
  15. Mike's King air is da bomb-diggety. I've jumped out of it the last 2 WFFCs. 2k' per min. We were blasting by otters that had already taken off. This last WFFC, Mike challenged his son Jeff to do a back flip under a zero-G because his young brother had already done it that day. We all had to clear an area by the door and while Mike pulled out of the climb, Jeff did a back loop. It was awesome! By the way don't worry about having to get up when it's time to exit. The zero-G will float you onto your feet.