Leigh Bratcher

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  1. I am new to the forum and wanted to see if anyone has seen an experience like my 1st jump. In February, 1970 shortly after getting out out of the Marines I decided I wanted to skydive. I signed up with the local skydiving club, Amarillo (TX) Skydivers.I paid my money, took the training, and on 7 February, 1970 I was scheduled for my jump. I jumped from a Cessna 182, at 3000 agl on a 28 Double "L" main on a static line and a T7-A reserve. In my log book under remarks my jumpmaster wrote "1. Streamer on first jump. Fault of jumpmaster, when packing rig I used 550 line separator approx 14" long, secured around suspension lines at skirt hem, failing to remove prior to stowing lines. Student had excellent arch on jump. Reserve deployment excellent. Ignorance on my part completely." my fiance talked me out of jumping again.I have credit for one jump, first, last and only! I believe God took care of me that day.