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  1. This just has to be fake! Daddy is a pussy, girl is a brat, brother is an asshole... the perfect family. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  2. Why not check out some independent candidate who has his act together and just vote for them? If you're not voting, you leave them the playing field to continue with their mud-wrestling, thus you are contributing to it. (no offense) I always voted, even for the rather "insignificant" type of elections, and even if I only put my X at the least of evil. Just imagine, if 20% or 30% of the people would have voted for an another candidate who wasn't a Dem nor a Rep! It'll shift the market and force a little quality back into the system! Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  3. Whow! Well said! I should bookmark this post. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  4. It sure is... a part of the still ongoing evolution. Some people who have figured out the scheme managed to rule over many less intelligent and lazier people who, to this day, just don't get their act together and start using their own brains. Individualism is tiresome... and lazyness is a strong factor. This is why mass manipulation will always work, one way or the other... The market of delusions will adapt, I wonder what it has in stock in a thousand years? Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  5. Yeah, and then they will answer "he didn't need to be created, he's always been there and will always be and is omnipotent and omni-this-n-that and time has no meaning for him because he created it and blabla..." And I would answer "I apply all this to the Universe, so that makes God obsolete"... and this is when their higher brain functions will stop working completely. (They have to, to prevent a collapse of their Egos). Some impulse from the brain stem will make them kicking and babbling and trying to defend their ridiculous belief system which they think makes them so much more "special" than us non-believers. It's all about "Holier Than Thou", feeling better, feeling superior, feeling "special". A basic function of the brain. I wonder if I will ever live to see humans actually rising from their self-incurred immaturity, like Kant proclaimed 200 years ago. It'll probably take another 200-500 years, at least. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  6. A church is a business. No more no less. Every business company is playing mind games through their ads. Why would it suddenly bother people when some church tries to deliver their product through TV? People are buying all kind's of senseless products they see on TV to make them feel better, "faith" is just one of them. It's fine with me, free country and all... Buy into it, spend your money, donate, run around hailing the Lord, get your brain-fuck if it makes you feel good, whatever, I don't care. I just won't.
  7. I voted "other", as in "don't have any". I abhor any kind of religion and any system that promotes believing before knowledge and science. I know that I don't know much science-wise, but I can bear "not knowing" rather than having to fill in the huge gaps by believing weird stuff some cracked up people wrote thousands of years ago. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  8. Skydive Kassel-Calden, Germany One of the major commercial dropzones in Germany. Got my license there in 2002. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  9. Skydive Flanders, Belgium: Dropzone Moorsele (low resolution, no detail) Dropzone Schaffen (low resolution, no detail) Dropzone Zwartberg (good resolution) Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  10. I second that, it's worth repeating (except the "God" thing...). to the OP: Won't bother you with my "fear" story after my first cutaway and how it turned into trusting my gear and my emergency procedures with time. Just keep on jumping and learn all you can about your gear and the procedures. Have fun! Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  11. ... check out "The Wedge [tm]" by LookMa. I have a Neptune alti attached to my right mud flap using "The Wedge". Great for wingsuit and tracking, and easy to read when under canopy. Disclaimer: I only have 10 CF jumps as of now. Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  12. from Post #28: That deserves repeating! Especially the last sentence. It applies to Germany also. The western industrialized nations (read: EU and US) will receive some serious economical a$$ whopping in the next few decades. We're too fat, too lazy, too "wussificated", too whiny, whatever... Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  13. Belgium gets a wind tunnel! The german news on the Skydive Center Spa Homepage confirm that the work has begun. (Only ground measurements and testing so far, but once it get's warmer they'll start digging.) From what I know, construction work is scheduled to be completed this year! That means competition for the Wind tunnels in Paris and Zürich. I wonder what the prices and capacity will be ... Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  14. Cutaway. That neverending discussion about who is "selfish" can be so annoying... is it you by wanting to go skydiving, or is it her by wanting to possess you 24/7? I agree that "balance is the key", but when you're not happy there is no balance. Do what you have to do. I don't mean be a selfish prick and walk all over her, but be yourself!!! If she's unhappy with that then there will never be a balance. Cutaway. It only takes one look and a determined move... and there you'll be back in freefall where you belong! Ich betrachte die Religion als Krankheit, als Quelle unnennbaren Elends für die menschliche Rasse. (Bertrand Russell, engl. Philosoph, 1872-1970)
  15. I downloaded the video of your tandem paraglider jump... now that was inspirational!