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Everything posted by muff528

  1. I mostly agree with that observation. .....Well, except for Peter Noone and that child molester from Oz who did "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport".
  2. Older thread:;search_string=skydiving%20north%20korea;#4267422
  3. LOL! Didn't even have to click on the link.
  4. muff528


    Another bit of trivia-- The B-29 was later refitted with P&W Wasp Major 4360 engines and redesignated the B-50. Some were converted to tankers (KB-50). One of my father's friends was killed when the KB-50 he was piloting exploded in the air shortly after takeoff from a base in Bermuda.
  5. ".......The fire personnel had to demolish the toilet. It is now out of service”. Well, No shit !!!
  6. Nothing good on TV Saturday afternoon so I started watching a German soccer match. Got so bored I just wondered what a cheerleading squad might do for them. Then I decided to switch over to the Manchester United-Hull game to see if it was any more exciting watching them play in the pouring rain. Then I passed out. (no artificial inducement needed)
  7. Of course! But when you're counting your quarters, and you get to 8 bits, you don't say "8 bits", say "a dollar". Hence, the chant.
  8. Zwei Pfennig! .....Vier Pfennig!................................ ........................ ............................ ....Sechsundneunzig Pfennig! ....Achtundneunzig Pfennig! ...eine Mark!!! That would keep the cheerleaders busy for a while! :) Well, doesn't matter anyway. I switched over to the MU-Hull game and fell asleep in front of that one instead.
  9. ....Six Bits! ...a Dollar! All for Borussia Mönchengladbach, Stand up and holler!!!! Gimme a "B"! ......BBBBBEEEEE!!! Gimme an "O"! ......OOOOOOOO!!! Gimme an "R"! ........RRRRRRRR!!! ....... (15 minutes later ....) Gimme an "A"! ......AAAAAAAAA!!! Gimme a "C"! .....CCCCCCCC!!! Gimme an "H"! .....HHHHHHH!!! What does that spell?!!! Borussia Mönchengladbach!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Doesn't anyone wear a jock anymore? That might have kept him in the game. . . You mean he should have been wearing a "pole" "vault" ??
  11. +1 They could be Muff Bros. with that attitude.
  12. yeah, kind of like how skydivers aren't allowed to say "hey asshole!" Wendy P. ........................................................................... Careful where you yell that! If you yell that on the packing mat, everyone will stand up and ask "What the bleep do you want?" pause to watch brightly-coloured things fall out of the sky and forget what they were doing ..... Chaos ensues .... Hah! Hah! Years ago my parents were out taking a Sunday drive and they decided to pop in at Zhills. (they lived just down the road). While we were standing around talking, someone who had just arrived was walking up and yelled "Hey Asshole!". Almost everyone there responded in unison, "WHAT !?" . My dad thought that was just about the funniest thing he ever heard. ETA - He told me that his first "real" job after graduating from high school was working for a plumber who was one of the contractors building the airbase at Zephyrhills.
  13. Some greats coming out of this one. .. of course, Bolt and Phelps. But also Simone and Simone. (that sounds like a good title for a TV show) and van Niekerk.
  14. Just diverting a bit from the main topic ....When this story broke, it reminded me of a personal, or rather "first-hand" experience from about 1970 that related almost directly to this recent incident. Similar situation but differing a bit in details. But no specific suspicions or speculations from that time could be verified, and I'll offer none now. The matter was just dropped and forgotten, and all who were affected moved on. When I heard this story, my suspicions (and those of a few others) were somewhat vindicated. Carry on.....
  15. Well, if I woke up on the wrong side, I had to be sleeping there!
  16. The wrong side. That's what people keep telling me but I don't know how they'd know.
  17. Great goal. Was never going to happen. Ever. Yes, we know that now. We had a commitment to the Iraqi people who stuck their necks out as if we had their backs. But we bailed. That's just what we do now. ....and if stealing oil was the goal, we did a piss-poor job of that, too. It was very predictable what would happen when Bush signed the exit agrement. It was very predictable (and was predicted) what would happen from the moment Bush decided to invade! And what did Bush think about schedules and strategies changing? Q (As translated.) A question, Mr. Prime Minister and others, you all talked about the various gains that will come as a result of signing this agreement. But just quickly I have one question about the withdrawal of American forces. Is this going to be an accelerated process that will happen quickly and perhaps prematurely? PRESIDENT BUSH: First of all, we're here at the Iraqi -- at the request of the Iraqi government. It's an elected government. There are certain benchmarks that will be met -- such as troops out of the cities by June of '09. And then there's a benchmark at the end of the agreement. Big mistake to enter any conflict with an "exit strategy".
  18. From late January: There may be somebody with tomatoes in the audience. So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell— I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise. It won’t be so much ’cause the courts agree with us too. Thanks. ....OK, so retaliation against aggravated assault. But, I'd let them throw the tomato first ....just to bolster my case.
  19. Wait, so you think the government won't support Trump's attempts to circumvent the Constitution, but they'll let Hillary do anything she wants? You really need to take a look at why you feel that way. I get the feeling you are not dispassionately examining the candidates as individuals. The Republican-led Congress has already, and is even now, lining up in opposition to Trump. Unless Trump does something illegal, like using the IRS and Justice Dept. to violate civil rights, he won't be allowed to take advantage of his office. These institutions are generally run by Democrats down the rank and file, so that is unlikely. Even more so if Dems take control. OTOH, government power has already been abused by the Dems. without any meaningful penalty.
  20. I don't really think Trump takes these retaliatory responses seriously. Could be wrong about that. And it's hard to say whether he'll use Presidential powers extra-Constitutionally. I don't believe he'll have the kind of support necessary to do that even if he wanted to. OTOH, I seriously do believe that about Hillary. Could be wrong about that, too.
  21. Even if that is true, that is a problem. One would hope that a president of a major country is able to control his emotions and anger a little better. Of course, ...there is no response that would not be a problem. That's the point of the attacks on Trump in the first place. But, I don't think Trump is responding out of anger or emotion. By body language (facial expressions, shrugs, etc.) they seem to be more of a "matter of fact". ...almost like an adolescent "I know you are but what am I" type of response. Maybe over-analyzing.
  22. Considering there are multiple versions of Sharia, from differing schools, with differing opinions, this too is false. It seems that, according to Mr. Khan, (the present discussion is about Mr. Khan) there is only one version. And this is a problem. A big enough problem justifying Trump's attack on a family who have lost a son fighting for nothing but American ego? And before you react to the last part, Iraq was no threat to the US or any of it's freedoms. Trump attacked Khan because Khan attacked Trump. That's all. I have noticed that in virtually every personal attack made by Trump, it was a direct response to a personal attack on him. May be one or two exceptions, but I'm not keeping score. BTW - I really am not a Trump supporter. I am a Hillary non-supporter.
  23. So, either the new guy was too stupid to assess conditions in the country at the "scheduled" departure date and re-evaluate the wisdom of evacuating the country ...or he said "This cluster-fuck is Bush's baby. Let's bug out on his scheduled date and we can blame him for anything that happens in the region for the next eight years ...or longer. Screw the Iraqis". So you think it's OK for the USA to renege on a signed agreement with a sovereign foreign nation, when the head of that nation expressly opposes any further intervention. Well, I disagreed with our exit simply based on a predetermined exit date without regard to our objectives and our great costs in lives and wealth. Having said that, I think that if we were going to leave we should have just gotten the hell out ...Vietnam-style. ....Especially when when "the head of that nation expressly opposes any further intervention". Instead we left personnel there for what purpose?
  24. Considering there are multiple versions of Sharia, from differing schools, with differing opinions, this too is false. It seems that, according to Mr. Khan, (the present discussion is about Mr. Khan) there is only one version.
  25. Funny how the right whines repeatedly that Snopes, Factcheck, Politifact ... are biased. Okham would suggest that it's more likely that the truth is biased against right wing lies. Looks like I'm reading the same paper the Snopes folks are reading. Just different interpretations.