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Everything posted by Jaap

  1. Hello, I'm thinking about starting with video. So I’ve got to get the gear together. Reading the various threads I've definitely settled for a Sony PC or TRV camera. Searching for some low cost camera to start with, I have come across a TRV-12e and TRV-16e. Trouble is I can’t find any references to these models, and in particular an answer to the question: are they suitable for skydiving with respect to lenses, external LED’s and switches. Hopefully the community can offer me some insight into this, and the somewhat weird numbering scheme Sony uses. Thanx! Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done
  2. I talked to some Aerodyne people last week. They were really sad. Check out their website: http://www.aerodyne-int.com/sport/default.asp Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done
  3. Well, maybe on your side of the pond. Here we do have a JM rating. Coach is nice, because it gives me an extra box to tick Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done