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Everything posted by TheBachelor

  1. I have a large skull and I love Bonehead helmets. They have different shell sizes, and you can further adjust the fit by adding/removing shims in the helmet liner. I've owned several other brands, and after buying this Bonehead, I'll never buy anything else.
  2. From an email that I received: Kliff Keltner’s Celebration of Life will be held at Skydive Perris on December 3rd, 2022. Memorial skydives and an ash dive will take place starting at 11:00 with the celebration following. Please send me (Sharon) an email at [email protected] if you plan on attending so that I can make sure to have enough food and drink for everyone. I will be hosting the Memorial skydives and Marie Winther and Randy Scott will be organizing. Please indicate on your email if you would like to make a jump in Kliff’s memory as we would like to organize these skydives in advance. If you knew Kliff then you know how special he was. It would mean so much to him and me if you could join us in this celebration of his life.
  3. I've had 2 Bev suits, and 3 Michigan suits. The Michigan suits were very low maintenance. It seemed that I was regularly patching/sewing the booties on the Bev suit. I think I got 1000 jumps out of my Michigan suit before having to replace the elastic under the bootie. I've had to do nothing else. I'd buy another Michigan in a second.
  4. If you have Facebook, I'd look for the ADR groups. I'm a member of one, and there are a lot of people who have had ADR, and you could probably get several knowledgeable opinions. The name of the group I joined is "ADR Artificial Disc Replacement Support And Education Group For the Spine". Good luck.
  5. GSG has taken over the stores at Perris and Elsinore. Not sure what is going on with the store in Eloy. Most of what Square 1 did before has been taken over by GSG. Their new web site is up:
  6. My advice is try try them all on. I'd also consider Phantom/KISS. For me, the Cookie didn't fit the shape of my head very well, regardless of the size. I like the Phantom because you don't need tools to change the visor (and it fits my head shape). The Cookie G4 has a field-replaceable liner, which I would love to have.
  7. I have two levels fused in my cervical spine and I've been jumping for almost 10 years since. My doctor made me take 6 months off before jumping, still he wasn't sure about me jumping again. I was fairly confident since they left my hardware in, and I know several people jumping with the same condition. Your situation is different with them taking the hardware out. You're back to the same bones that failed before. You can try to have a slow-opening canopy. That's what I did, but still once every 75 or 100 jumps, I'd get spanked. It is up to you, but talk it over carefully with your doctor. Mine wasn't thrilled with me jumping, but said it would probably be OK. If he had said "absolutely not," I would have followed his advice. I love jumping, but it's not worth paralysis or losing your life for. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  8. My first cutaway was after 20 years of jumping, and about 2800 jumps. My first reaction was "well, it finally happened." The next thing I did was to grab my second rig and get on the plane since I was training with my team. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  9. 21 years of jumping, 3200 jumps, 1 cutaway around jump 2700. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  10. Twin otters There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  11. I've got about 3100 jumps. Last year, after 20 years of jumping, I had my first malfunction/cutaway. Could I have landed it? Probably, but I didn't want to get too low and find out that I couldn't land it. Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld manages my drop zone (Perris). He has over 25,000 jumps and when he does safety briefings, he always goes back to: If the parachute doesn't come out and say "I'm good," then get rid of it. If you're unsure if it's good, then it's bad. He's seen too many people ride questionable canopies down until it's too low to cut away, and ended up paying with their lives. The more you jump, the more comfortable you'll be in what you're seeing. It'll be easier to recognize things when you look up. Remember the check's you're taught in AFF. I don't know what they teach now, but I was taught "Shape, spin, speed, line twists." If all of those things pass, then "Slider down, end cells open, rips, tears, broken lines." Understand that a lot of us have gone through those same things you're going through. I was an awful student and had my doubts at times. 21 years later, I look at skydiving as one of the greatest things I've ever taken up, and can't imagine my life without it. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  12. I've had 2 or 3 Bev suits, and have repaired the seams on the booties countless times. I wouldn't recommend them for durability. I've had 2 Michigan suits, and I just love them. The booties catch a lot of air, and the soles are made of Vibram rubber so they don't wear out like the leather does. With 4-500 jumps on my newest one, the only thing I've done is to reinforce the elastic on the bottom of the booties. I doubt I'll ever buy another brand. As others have said, measure CAREFULLY. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  13. I just ordered some to try out. Last weekend, I got "nut under"s on half of my jumps. I hope they work. Thanks for information. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  14. Sqare1 sells one that is specifically designed to be less susceptible to snagging your lines: There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  15. Other than the proposed $10+ per barrel tax on oil, the following caught my eye: "Even so, the administration projects that the deficit would grow steadily and that interest payments on the national debt would double over the next four years." I think the increase in the national debt over the past 7 years is criminal and we need a true "balanced budget" law. No smoke and mirrors, just "Do we add to the deficit?" Yes, easier said than done, I know. Also: "The administration’s deficit-reducing proposals include $955 billion from curbing 'inefficient tax breaks for the wealthy' and closing loopholes for high- income households." The word "loopholes" is a great sound bite. Garner support by making people think that others are getting something they aren't and/or make them believe that people aren't paying "their fair share." Of course, many of the angry people pay little or nothing. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  16. Southern California: $3.00+ per gallon. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  17. The original story has since been changed. They told the officials that they were here as tourists. After inspecting their baggage (finding instruments), the officials determined that they were here to perform, and didn't have the required Visa. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  18. I've flown through LAX with 8-12 pounds and not been hassled. One time, as the belt went through the X-Ray, the agent said "Ankle weights?" I explained what it was, and continued on. I've had no problems at all in PHX. That being said, a friend was forced to run downstairs at LAX and check his, so it's inconsistent. I doubt there's a specific policy about it, so it's up to the agent sitting there. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  19. I asked Dan BC the same question. His reply was "you're probably not going to find yourself under your reserve, wishing it was SMALLER." A couple of weeks ago, I had my first reserve ride in 20 years of jumping (jump 2703). As I was landing in a less-than-perfect area, not knowing which way the winds were, I found myself thinking "I wish I was going slower." My wing loading was about the same as my main, and I stood it up, which surprised me a little. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  20. 60 Minutes did a segment on him a while back: If you're in a hurry, skip ahead to the 11:35 mark for a particularly touching segment. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  21. IMO, the headline is sensationalism. The bottom line is they can charge you if you delete you history "with intent to impede or stall a federal investigation." I have no problem with that. I'll continue to delete my history from time to time, and I'll sleep just fine. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  22. I've seen it where I contract. They get rid of or fail to hire perfectly capable Americans and bring on a bunch of H1-B's because they're cheaper. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  23. During the pre-flight announcements last week, the flight attendant did say no e-cigs when they were doing the "Smoking is not allowed" portion of the spiel. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  24. I get these from two friends, and after a few of them I did some tracing, and found that they weren't actually coming from those people. Apparently, someone got their address, along with some of the people from their address book, and sends out emails spoofing the "From" address to look like they came from my friend. As others have said, it's also possible that they have malware on their computer, or that someone has their email password. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...
  25. Yes, our president has just shown that regardless of what the people and congress want, he can do a lot with just the stroke of his pen (and a teleprompter for afterwards.) Of course, when a party has control of both houses of congress and the white house, the damage can be much greater. Of course I like when that's the case for my party, but as Billvon said, I think it's better when there's a balance of power. There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...