Moraine Airpark

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  1. So has anyone heard of Elmo Barrister? all i know is that he was a early Bat-Wing performer from the 1920's + he was a private at Wright Field around 1944 and lived in Dayton Ohio. If anyone has information they would be willing to share please email me at [email protected]. Elmo Barrister at South Dayton Airport 1944 WW attempt.odt
  2. LOL ..Actually i have worked for Moraine Airpark for the last 20 years. Yeah definitely not a "professional researcher". Just trying to preserve some aviation history that is being lost with each passing of the older generation. So if anyone has information please contact me.
  3. I am looking for information on a few Items 1. Dayton Sport Parachute Club 2. Neff Field ( was located in Moraine Ohio ) 3. South Dayton Airport parachuting Any help would be appreaciated. Also, any contributors will be included in my research as a source. sarrah,[email protected]
  4. Does anyone have info of the Parachuting activities at South Dayton Airport /Moraine, Ohio. I am working on the history of Moraine Airpark . if anyone wishes to contact me please email me at [email protected].