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  1. The kilo equivalent is written (100) but the resolution is not good. I called and wrote wothout success to PD , as usual the manufacturer remains silent when its equipment is involved in a fatality. As you can read it the attached file (Optimum 113 DOM june 2018 warning label), 254 is written down, something is wrong and since I am in charge of the expert report of the fatality, I have no confidence in Performance Designs to help me to the manifestation of the truth...
  2. you missunderstood, if the reserve packing manuals says "254" while the warning label says "220", something is wrong !
  3. Icon 2 DOM 1/11/2022 packed in Spain 6 months before : 8 second delay to manually open the reserve
  4. US rigger should not re pack Icon rigs since it is known they are not working properly
  5. I have seen an experimented guy slammed so hard by a Pilot 7 what he had broken ribs after opening and could not flair his main, then he hurted his legs very bad by hitting the ground...he did not jump again