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Everything posted by StevePhelps

  1. I'm not defending him, but he did apologize a few days ago on ESPN. Then he mouthed off again and now his most recent apology. Watch PTI -- it was several days of his repeated apologies and verbal bashings.
  2. Anyone think he won't be in silver and black next year? He'll fit right in. With him and Randy Moss in the same lineup, opposing defenses (and the Oakland police dept.) will have their hands full. Blues, Dave I don't think so. Not enough balls to go a round. His ego won't allow him to shar ethe limelight with Moss unless the Raiders are the only team that will take him.
  3. Actually for the first time. He was told to appologize to McNabb, Reid, the team and the fans. He refused. They told him he's done. THEN he appologized. Too little too late. Nope, I watch ESPN every day. This is not his first apology. It is at least his second if not third. He read an apology a few days back, now this one with his agent nearby. LET ME CLARIFY. He has aplogized more than once for more than one offense.
  4. Yeah. for the kazillionth time. CROCIDILE TEARS!
  5. As a football fan I say good riddance! (As a Dallas Cowboy fan I say, Good riddance and whew!)
  6. I love mine. He does wonder for neck injuries and ankle sprains. After a week of therapy (adjustments and electro therapy) I'm good to go. I've never had a down time even with the neck and ankle tweaks I've had overth eyears.
  7. Thanks guys, I can't wait to try my new ones out. I bought a lot (4 camera suits, 2 ff pants and one ff suit) all for $400! woohoo!
  8. Lee has a good sense of humor. He better if he is going to be a Redskins fan. I tell you what. You tell him PHELPS (one-eyed jack) said, 'Pokes rule, Skins drool"
  9. Yes, but what hurt a LOT more was the edge of the helmet's jaw cover buryinging into my lower jaw. I heard the carbon fiber break and thought it was my teeth breaking off. It cut my inner lip bad and my mouth was filled with blood when I landed. I also had a rib out from the harness. Nasty little booger of an opening! As far as the kneck goes ... Mine is 18 inches of strong muscle. Maybe that helped. Who knows but I did see my chiro every day that week.
  10. Similar thing happened to me a few month back. Dang near broke my neck. It did break my FTN. The guy who packed it is a DZO and a good guy. He swears he uncollapsed the slider. What we best could figure is one of the slider lines was not properly seated in the slider and the tag got caught on a crow's feet, thus creating one side uncollapsed as it slid down. It was a Sabre 1 ... BANGO!
  11. Nice job, I tried painting a few helmets. Very hard to do right.
  12. You'll like the Farm. Be sure and tell Lee how much you love the Cowboys and that the Redskins suck. You'll make fast friends.
  13. All my camera suits have wings that clip on the outside of my thigh. I bought a used one and it clips on the inside of the thigh. Can anybody tell me what advantages or disadvantages that will create? FYI. I'm stocky for a vidiot.
  14. After their initial level G&H I try and do as much for free. Just the way I learned after AFF.
  15. O.J. and Jacko ... evrything that is wrong with our court system. Money and fame "may" buy you freedom.
  16. Read my funnies. (see link below) /shameless plug
  17. Welcome to one elite group of people! Have fun in the sky and be safe!
  18. Sounds like you're making good changes at your new DZ. Good luck and blue skies!
  19. On my IAD training, I hung of the strut of a Cessna 182. I arched "okay" I believe my issue was too tense (causing potato chipping) and dearching at pull time as I reached to pull. For me, getting to air it out in a stable arch for 45 seconds boosted my confidence. Here's to jumping in the middle of the week! Hardly gets better than that!
  20. I was the opposite of you. Even though I had over 100 military static lines the IAD method was hard for me. After 3 10 second delays (two were bad -- dearched) I switched to AFF and the extra altitude helped me relax. Just goes to show different methods work for different people. If Arkansas is anything like OK or TX, you'll be able to jump over the winter although you may have weather delays. Keep going out to the DZ like you did. Hang out and talk with the regulars. But keep your instructors information foremost in your mind. You'll do well. I'd suggest learning about packing while you wait for weather to clear.
  21. Welcome to our world! What a bunch of crazies we are, but we know why birds sing!
  22. How to be a vidiot is not laid in stone. Depends where you are. Most suggest 200 jumps before beginning camera work and 500 jumps before videoing tandems. That being said there is a lot you can do to get prepared. Read the STICKY in the photogs forum and read through the 100+ pages on their forum as well. There is a wealth of information.