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  1. Thanks guys! I saw the One syncs to the cloud and the AO(N2) looks great, but they don't really do a good job of communicating that they can sync to the USPA approved apps... I'll be at skydive miami in a couple weeks, and hopefully someone there will have one I can check out
  2. Hi All, I'm new to the sport with 20 jumps, and looking at getting a Digital Altimeter. I read that the USPA has approved 4 Digital Logbook Apps: Boogie, Sky Duck, Skydive LogBook and Skydive Logger. My question is this: Are there any Digital Altimeters that have bluetooth/wifi in order to transfer the dive logs to one of these apps? These seem to rely on the phone sensors, which I'm guessing are less accurate. Thanks in Advance! P.S. While this is my first post, I've read a lot of posts on here, and it seems there's always some noob flaming going on. Yes, I realize some of you will say to stick with paper log books. Yes, I am looking for a lazy solution. I'm sure there are other good ones that I haven't thought of, but I'm just looking for an answer to the question, not life advice.