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Posts posted by mirage62

  1. Hey Jerry,

    I was reading up on this and was trying to figure out why you were against this. Sure seems like the judge really shoved it up the governments ass on this!!
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  2. You know it amazes me how both sides can justify what they want. The deficit went through the roof under Obama but the left will bleed from their eyes saying it was only related to the terrible economy he got from Bush. Only partially true.... but enough truth to hang their hat on.

    The right only remembers the economic growth under Regan, forgetting the deficit growth.

    The people that pay the majority of taxes are the rich. It ALWAYS comes back to blame the mega rich but get the money from the other "rich"

    The middle class is getting screwed and it's getting worse. I'd GLADLY pay my same rate if they would pass a meaningful tax break for the middle class - but why give more to a class (the bottom 1/3 approx) that don't pay???

    But I do enjoy reading post from intelligent people that just argue to argue. If there party isn't in power the world is always going to hell 😛
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  3. If you jump long enough you'll find it particularly difficult to deal with friends that die - and it's a straight fact that you will have friends that die in this sport if you stay.

    Skydivers deal with this in many ways..... black humor is typical. Discussing accidents to learn from them is always beneficial as long as it isn't just a re-hash.

    My advice would be to listen quietly learn what you can and don't judge to harshly.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  4. Quote

    I thought stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional.
    It should be IMO.

    Pretty sure a LOT of gun rights have been ruled constitutional...they should be IMO

    Difference between our post Mark is I'm looking for solutions buddy.

    What would be you non-gun regulation change (since you don't like stop and frisk)?

    You can go back to guns....AFTER you work on the other side of the process. ;)

    Seriously what's your idea?
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  5. Here's a question.

    Do they have stop and frisk in Chicago?

    IMO gun owners should have to have training, show intent to reasonably secure their weapons and be registered ( the person not the gun)

    They give up a little of you rights for the good of the people.

    "Stop and frisk" does target the minorities - that's a fact. It's also a fact that minorities commit more crime. Chicago shows where the crime is you stop and frisk higher (much higher) than Johns neighborhood.

    They give up a little of their rights for the good of the people.

    Compromise.... it could work. Understand that the gun owner doesn't want to give.... the person walking down the street innocently does want to be stop. Both can be very good people.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  6. I come here less and less.... it's almost impossible to have a conversation about anything. I guess you could say as the country goes so goes dz.com.

    Chicago if you listen to Kallend is much safer than many cities. Blacks killing blacks doesn't matter because of the very very few killed wrongly by LEO.

    A REAL DISCUSSION of how things could be made better - not by radical ideas outside of possibility in this country (Zero guns/everyone gets a machine gun) isn't possible here much less the country.

    Most everyone here participates ina sport that requires a lot of confidence in personal reaction but otherwise we are nothing more of a community than our country. Split, divided with the only goal but to "win"

    What bugs me is when I first started coming here there were people of different views for sure but there was a level of respect in discussion. You could learn what different views thought - maybe change your view.

    What really is funny is that I've been jumping 20 years. I'm 20 years older and many people seem to be less and less tolerant of a different view. Maybe in reality I am to.

    This thread is just another reason not to come to speakers corner.

    Sorry just a off thread rant. Go back to your normally rants
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  7. To me one of the weakest parts of our system is how long this can drag out and of course the cost. If someone DOESN'T have to pay the cost of the winning side than just the cost of defending can make people settle.

    I was in that position once, paid $15,000 on a case I could win but the likely cost for me to defend was possibly over $100,000.

    That was one of the hardest checks I've ever written.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  8. I'm going to see a doctor.....

    I only come to dz.com to check on this thread. When I see a new post I get all excited. I hope this is when someone says she lost and she's writing checks...actually paying for something.

    I have no idea why it matters other than its so apparent that she just isn't going to be happy unless she shuts the dz down and I guess I want the courts to handle it.....

    It sure has taken a long time....and I'm still waiting
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  9. You know I think I have a problem....I love checking for this thread to see if anything has happen....I keep coming back to hear she has had to start paying....that's all I want....is for money to start flowing.....

    I'd say the steam has run out of her steam boat though....complaints are way down as is the average. Maybe people are just getting tired of her?
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  10. Quote

    Jeez, people -- can't we find some actual things to do that have us working together? Only that way will we as voters start to encourage congresscritters who focus on the country rather than scoring points off the "opponents."

    100% agree. Even here, somewhat like minded people....it's obvious that only one side can win. I don't expect the people that were against Trump to suddenly love him - I don't - but I don't think that many people on the left have even slowed down to figure out HOW we got Trump.

    His time WILL pass...one way or another.....but what if we SWING further? It could be to the right, it could be to the left.

    We need to figure out HOW and fix it - which I believe to be we "the people" have to be on the same team - not party - but team.
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

  11. A poll that I saw this morning was something like 47% (or so) people supporting Trumps temporary boarder closing. It also went on to talk about how many Americans have already tuned out all the hysteria and are watching Trumps moves.

    You can hate what he does....but another point was that he was DOING something....which isn't normal up in Washington
    Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little