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Everything posted by NoPush

  1. Plaything.........Friends rock huh! I had a similar reaction to RedBull and Vodka in Vegas with friends. The more I drank the more wired I felt, so the more I drank. We started drinking doubles, then shot side cars...........then the lights went out and I started choking. Unfortunately scared the hell out of my friends, but I owe them huge for spending the next few hours baby sitting my ass, and not hesitating to get help. Turns out there is a lethal amount of RedBull mixed with alcohol. Most get sick before they get there......I got close. Everything from certain headache medication, nasal decongestant, sports drinks, to diet pills can have a type of stimulant that doesn't react well with alcohol. Cheers! And special Cheers to Shannon and Roy
  2. Hired a good attorney local to the DA Admission was thrown out - You'll have to ask an attorney for the term they use Ground crew intentions are irrelevant Jumper Possession of the rig proved nothing Confiscated rig was just a rig if it could not be proven it was used on that jump Security could not describe jump point, rig color, jumper description at a distance, landing point, etc. Sheriff testimony offered no evidence as well Pictures of signs were irrelevant if they could describe how the jumper approached the site, were he was on take off and landing, etc. Nothing in the either charge spoke to the fait of the rig and it's return was the basis for the whole fight. Finally $750 is a great deal. We were quoted $1500 to $3000, so I asked for a favor......cheers to my attorney bud!
  3. I'll PM you the state....... edited to add......I don't want to share much more publicly as I'm not a BASE jumper and don't really know the rules to this forum or the BASE sport for that matter. I posted because I was surprised how every BASE jumper, or skydiver for that matter, had a different experience or opinion on how to solve the situation my friend found himself in. I thought the topic would spark some good info for all....... Cheers
  4. Hey all, I'm not a BASE jumper but I got involved helping a friend and the result was positive so I thought I would share. Info: Jumped off a structure structure security called Sheriff Sheriff held ground grew who radioed Jumper Jumper surrendered to protect ground crew and admitted Jump Charges: Rig confiscated - Not clear if it would be returned, most other BASE jumpers said no Trespassing - Misdemeanor - Max fine $1000, Max jail 6 Months County Jumping Ordinance - Misdemeanor - Max fine $500, Max Jail 6 Months Case Filed: Jumper admission Ground crew intentions Rig in possession as witnessed by Sheriff Rig confiscated as evidence Structure Security as Witness to Jump w/ rig Pictures of No Trespassing signs, structure, etc. Other misc. info DA Offer: Misdemeanor w/ $500 fine, 30 Days jail suspended in lieu of 1yr. Probation Community Service (don't remember how many hours) County Jumping Ord. Dropped Loss of Rig Action: Pled Not Guilty, Hired hot-shot attorney friend for $750 Result: Trespassing reduced to Infraction w/ $150 fine Guaranty by court and DA to return rig within two days of fine payment entered in the judgment County Jumping Ordinance Dropped $900 bucks, the rig, clean well spent. What seemed like a solid case by the DA against my friend got ripped apart by a good attorney. The whole thing almost got dropped but the plea bargain was too good to pass up and saved my friend from a second appearance two weeks later. Cool shits and giggles......... If you end up in a similiar pinch.......get a good attorney!
  5. NoPush

    I'm falling

    I think the 2 detects BS sooner and under water........Just in
  6. Awsome Boogie video Pete...........Thanks for my copy! Great shots, fun music, and a cool theme...... Thanks for capturing that great week on DVD. Five stars and two thumbs, Jim
  7. I'm sinking.......sssiiiinnnnkkkiinngg........
  8. I agree.......look at the distance from the front slatts (sp) on each wing and compare........ hard would that be to fly? Editteded fer spelliing and name dislecksia......thanks /jim
  9. That was absolutely beautiful Michele………..Thank you so much for sharing……All of our thoughts have been with Mujie and that was like being there!!!!!
  10. Great suggestion………..but she had no idea…..then chewed me out for still skydiving. One comment she made hit a little close: “how could you put me through that again??” Moms know just how to tug at the heart….......but so does jumping
  11. Hey JP..... I thought the same, but it's not there.....
  12. Were would I find a record of my blood type? I spent the better part of two months in the hospital following a skydiving accident, had multiple surgeries, and I don’t know how much blood work done (no infusions though) …….yet they can’t find my blood type in my book thick chart. Aside from getting it checked….does anyone know were a record would be? i.e Lab, Infusion center, Hospital, etc.
  13. Vibes and Prayers are with you Eric...... Any updates?
  14. NoPush


    Please don't take this wrong's just hard to read her posts..............and think of what we lost...........
  15. NoPush


    Honest Question............ How do we let this thread go in memory of Holly........?????? It's killing me to read her threads Just a thought...........
  16. What is a minced meat bar? Sounds good.....
  17. 4 or 5 jumps versus staying cool........tough decision
  18. We've tried: Hot peppers Rodfurd cheese and bread Stuffed olives Chips and a variety of salsa Teguila Smoked trout pate' Humas Karen's and Jeff's fruit pizza/dessert We need idea's.....who's got the munchies?