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Everything posted by shindig

  1. go to the sony home store and look under used and referb. They have one for 719.00¤tPath=All+Products%2F%2F%2F%2FCameras+%26+Camcorders%2F%2F%2F%2FSony+Outlet+%26amp%3B+Refurbished+Products%2F%2F%2F%2FCamcorders+Outlet%2F%2F%2F%2FUserSearch%3DInventory+%3E+0+and+Price+Ss+%3E+0
  2. Just ordered my Wes Pro Vapor and I hope it gets here that fast. How do you like the feel of the helmet. I had to get rid of my FTP it was killing my head. I put around 800 jumps on the thing and it never once felt good on my head.
  3. Thanks, maybe some day they'll come up with something to work with it.
  4. I just got my new CX7 and I'm trying to figure out how to import files to Premier???? how do I make this happen?? I also jumped it sit flying with wings today and didn't have any shake going on. So far I love this thing but this importing thing is driving me nuts.
  5. How much more comfortable is that thing than the FTP??? That's the ultimate factor in if I buy one or not. My FTP is so damn uncomfortable it kills me sometimes to wear it. If I do 10 or 12 jumps in a day my head is killing me.
  6. Here's my 2 cents worth. I've had all of the Tony wing sizes and even modified some of them. I had the C wing and cut the wings off after a spinning malfunction and couldn't find my handle in all of the material while I was on my back. That was a nasty couple of seconds. I do 4-way and Tandem video and I use the A wing for everything now. I put RSL clips on it and have it attached to my leg straps. The B wing is to small for 4-way unless your a very light person. The D wing is just to much unless your a big person. One thing I did do and I always do it now is order the 2 peace camera suit. You can't beat having a pair of pants to go home in or just a jacket to jump in when it's hot as hell out. I weigh about 165 and fly pretty flat when I'm doing 4 way and can catch some pretty good air when I sit with the A wing. Good luck.
  7. If you want to go horizontal or vertical there is this one as well.
  8. Can you tell me how to get a hold of him?
  9. Where do you get one of those I've been trying to find one?
  10. I seen McGowan with a camera mount at the nationals that let him mount his digital still horizontal and vertical. He told me the name and I can't remember what the hell it was. Does anyone know the name of the bracket and does anyone have a link so I can check the thing out. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. It would help if I could remember the name of it. I think it's the alzimers setting in.
  11. I might have one coming up for sale soon. I just recently got a new helmet for shooting Tandem Video and I might sale my Rack if this new helmet works out for me. Keep watching the HeadGear Classifieds.
  12. It's a great advertisment tool for the DZ. A video guy at the end of the day will download his video to a computer that sends it directly to the Xtreme server and they send it to an email address that the customer gives the DZ. The only thing we download is from exit to opening, no music just the jump. That person in turn will email it to all their friends and family and there is a link on the email to the DZ that it originated from. Their friends can watch the jump and if it sparks their interest they click on your DZ link and can make reservations to jump. You can download just the jump or the interview before exit and the jump and landing if you want but we usually just put the jump on it. We charge the customer $3.00 for the download but imagine the return you get if their friends click on your link to your DZ and make reservations. The only problem we really have with it is the hand writing the customers has and it's hard to read their email address sometimes. Also you have 5 camera guys at the end of the day trying to download all their video before they can leave.
  13. I have a friend that bought one and the quality of the video isn't that good.
  14. Thanks guys! We won so Jeff you'll have to give Mish his props next week. The team had myself a retired Gunny and a Navy guy. Shindig out!
  15. I was the one that gave her the TRV 11. The problem she had with her camera was the tape was inserted and it kept giving her a head cleaner indicator. The tape still had space to record but the tape itself was messed up. Most likely it was a dirty tape and the camera was reading that. We took her camera off and I put the tape in my TRV 11 and it said the same thing so I gave her my camera and SKZY from Elsinore Alloy gave her a new tape and she made the change going to alt. All worked well for her and it saved the day for her team. Anything to help a fellow camera flyer. Shindig out!
  16. 1stSgt here. Currently active and jumping in the nationals. My team is currently in 1st Place in the 4 way intermediate class. Elsinore Equinox our pic is posted on along with our score. There is Marine instructors at the Armys Military Freefall school as well. I was an instructor there for 2 years before I picked up the diamond and had to move. Never forget where you came from. Out
  17. I just recently went to a blow switch and I'll never use anything else again. You'll never wear the thing out.
  18. Steve I'll keep an eye out for you. Depending on how this guy works out this weekend for Eqnx we might ask him. He may have some skills with some teaching. He's a good flyer. Any of you camera fliers in SoCal, this is a good team to jump for and they have a real good chance of a medal this year. Steve takes real good care of his cameraman. Shindig out!
  19. Yea I'm on it to bad I won't be here to watch it. I leave for the big Sandbox tonight. So I'll see you when I get back in 7 months. SHINDIG OUT!
  21. There is a special on the Discovery Channel Feb 26th about the Military Freefall School I just seen it the other day and it's pretty good. I'm not saying that just because I'm in it, it is pretty good. I hope you guys enjoy it I'll be gone when it is on. I leave today for the big sandbox in the gulf. Talk to you all when I get back. SHINDIG OUT!
  22. Hey you guys I just found a new web site you all might want to check out. I just recieved my Epson 1280 I got off of the site and it works awsome. I picked it up for 170.00 bones can you believe that. Its Its a web site set up by the police and they sale all kinds of stuff they have up for auction. You have to bid on it. They have everything you could imagine. ENJOY Shindig out!
  23. I have a couple of tapes that I keep stuff on and I name them 1. Oh Shit 2. Cool stuff 3. Funny stuff 4. Good dives at the end of the day I download them to Premiere put them on the timeline then put them on the tapes. Or you could just firewire them to each tape. Every time I fill up a tape I record over it 1 more time then I toss it in the trash. I just keep the listed tapes because its usually all the stuff you want to see again. Shindig
  24. It can also be as easy as the settings on your camera as well. Check the video inputs.