I tried to search the skydiver database to find people who jump small Velocities, so I made a search with attributes: Main = Velocity, Sort Order = Ascending, Sort = Mainsize and received following error: ------------------------------ CGI ERROR ========================================== Error Message : Unable to query database. Reason: parse error near 'ascend LIMIT 0, 15 ' at line 5. Query: SELECT ID,FirstName,LastName,NickName,Region,Country,Address,City,State,ZIPcode,Phone,Fax,Email,ICQ,Website,URL,Dropzone,License,Number,Jumps,SL,AFF,IAD,Tandem,Pro,Org,Back,Chest,Seat,Lap,Rig,Main,Mainsize,Res,Ressize,AAD,Rigother,Mainother,Resother,AADother,Firstchoice,Secondchoice,Photo,Date,Userid,Modified,Category FROM Skydivers WHERE Main LIKE '%Velocity%' ORDER BY 32 ascend LIMIT 0, 15 Script Location : /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/skydivers/db.cgi Perl Version : 5.00503 Setup File : db.cfg User ID : 5bf897704511d70c ----------------------------------------