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Everything posted by maretus

  1. There is a way to install a camera to Z1. Finnish guy called wolmari has done it and his installation looks pretty damn good. Check it out
  2. I owned a Parasport Italia Z1 and really liked it. The flip-up visor is a really nice feature and it is easy to use even with your gloves on. If you jump in low temperatures (like I do, I live in Finland ;) ) you must remember to check that you are able to open the visor with the gloves you are using when you skydive. Otherwise if (when) the visor gets all foggy you are in trouble...
  3. I tried to search the skydiver database to find people who jump small Velocities, so I made a search with attributes: Main = Velocity, Sort Order = Ascending, Sort = Mainsize and received following error: ------------------------------ CGI ERROR ========================================== Error Message : Unable to query database. Reason: parse error near 'ascend LIMIT 0, 15 ' at line 5. Query: SELECT ID,FirstName,LastName,NickName,Region,Country,Address,City,State,ZIPcode,Phone,Fax,Email,ICQ,Website,URL,Dropzone,License,Number,Jumps,SL,AFF,IAD,Tandem,Pro,Org,Back,Chest,Seat,Lap,Rig,Main,Mainsize,Res,Ressize,AAD,Rigother,Mainother,Resother,AADother,Firstchoice,Secondchoice,Photo,Date,Userid,Modified,Category FROM Skydivers WHERE Main LIKE '%Velocity%' ORDER BY 32 ascend LIMIT 0, 15 Script Location : /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/skydivers/db.cgi Perl Version : 5.00503 Setup File : db.cfg User ID : 5bf897704511d70c ----------------------------------------
  4. maretus


    That's really odd. I have a Sabre 150 and have something like 150 jumps on it and I've only had two or three extremely hard openings. Generally the openings have been really nice and soft, I have only positive things to say about it. How do you pack it ? I had one very hard opening which (I believe) was because of a rushed packing and I believe I left the silder bit "loose". Since then I've paid extra attention in inserting the slider properly and getting a really good roll to the tail to close the packjob, that has worked for me.
  5. PD reserve manual (") says "All canopies have been structurally tested with at least 300 pounds and 200 mph. However, for landing safety, the FAA has given Performance Designs, Inc. the authority to lower the legal weight limits from those listed in the TSO." So at least PD reserves are tested for much higher opening stress that they ever SHOULD encounter. As I recall the fatalities you refer were both speed skydives which went low and reserve pulls were propably done from speeds close to or over 200 mph. The way I read the (PD)manual, by deploying your reserve from baglock mal in normal terminal speed, you wont be able to cause structural damage to your (PD)reserve, even if you are exceeding the weight limits.
  6. And another interesting point about PD reserves is that PD126R has Max. Weight of 254 pounds, same as all other PD-reserves, except PD113R which has Max Weight of 151 pounds ! Still the manual of the 113R says that it is tested for 200 mph and 300 pounds. Putting 151 pounds on a 113 sqft canopy would create a wingloading of only 1.3. Still many experienced skydivers load their mains up to 2.0 and easily their reserves up to 1.5. For example 200 pound guy with a Stiletto 120 and PD126R would have 1.66 on main and 1.58 on reserve and those loadings aren't even near the limit on 126R but with 113R the same loading would be way over the limit. Why is that ?