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  1. So why did you guys start jumping?? Was there a defing moment when you said I have to BASE jump?? Was it cause you saw it on tv or because you have freinds that do it?? To the people who are planning to jump, what sparked your interests?? I started BASE jumping because.....
  2. pmujesab


    Alright, 'nother question. How do you find time to make that many jumps per year. Being that i must maintain some-sort of life outside of base (job, family, etc.), I can really only jump on the weekends & I find it very hard to make one or two jumps a week. Even if I went out to my most forgiving object every friday and saturday, I would not be able to jump everytime unless I was willing to jump in "less than perfect" conditions. So how do you guys manage to balance everything and still make 75-100+ jumps a year?
  3. pmujesab


    About how many jumps per year would you consider enough for someone to be "current"? I know other factors involve here, type of objects, variety etc.; but give a ball park guesstimate.