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  1. Yeah, I've done tandem and i was obviously still nervous, i appreciate its going to be completely different when I'm the one that has to do all the work! Thanks for all the advice guys!
  2. So my day 1&2 is on 18th and 19th November
  3. Im jumping in Langar, Nottinghamshire. Fair enough, Im just planning on seeing how it goes after the first few jumps. If things don't progress ill look to AFF. Thanks for the heads up though!
  4. Thanks for the advice guys, i'll definitely try the chewing gum trick! Anything that helps is worth trying! I did think about doing AFF for ages, but here in UK its just so much more expensive to go down the AFF route, it works out being about $900 cheaper to go RAPS. Im in no massive rush either, and i think it'll be easier to learn the skills with RAPS rather than AFF. I've still got a few weeks to go yet until ground school and my first RAPS jump. Im just hoping for good weather! (Something that is a rarity in the UK)
  5. Hi, So... I finally got around to booking my Static Line RAPS for November. I love pushing myself to the limit, I've already completed a tandem a good few years ago, and I've done a couple of bungee jumps previously. Just wondered if anyone had any advice for the nerves of someone just starting out really!? Thanks