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Everything posted by GreenMachine

  1. GreenMachine

    razor wire

    I have carefully climbed over it at a corner before also heard using a scrap piece of carpet works well. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  2. Gotta agree, seeing Barney bustin' rhymes was damn funny!! Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  3. DISCLAIMER: This explanation is based on observation and NOT personal execution. GAME OVER: The jumper flakes the canopy, places the lines in the tail pocket, and then holds the unpacked canopy on their lap. On exit jumper does a flip & releases the canopy. DOUBLE GAME OVER: Same thing except the jumper executes two flips. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  4. Sounds like a great time man!! Congrats to your friend and enjoy the rush. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  5. [GREEN]I saw a guy (hell maybe it was you), do a 'Double Game Over' in flip flops without pads or a helmet from the Perrine Any newbie who thinks they should do one is an idiot! It was a damn scary/funny thing to watch, but it made for great video, thanks Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  6. Hey "Kidwicked", I saw the back & forth regarding the post by "Badenhop". Honestly, I did not get it either, but I have corresponded with Avery before and know him to be quite sharp so I did a quick google search.... Honestly I Don't Give A Fuck This information was explained by a YoutTube clip presumably shot by Jimmy of Clair getting HIDGAF tattoo'd on the back of her shaved head. Here is the link for citation: Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  7. GreenMachine

    B or A?

    Yep, too low, just joking. Sabre210 --- funny pics, thanks. $kin, call your shrink, I think your meds need to be adjusted. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  8. GreenMachine

    BASE catapult

    According to my vague memories of math from grad school....To find the rate of change at a given point along a non-linear function requires taking a derivative. After a little more research I found that my opinions expressed in my earlier post about the max G-Force the body could withstand was wrong. ____________________________________________ Strongest g-forces survived by humans Voluntarily: Colonel John Stapp in 1954 sustained 46.2 g in a rocket sled, while conducting research on the effects of human deceleration. See Martin Voshell (2004), 'High Acceleration and the Human Body'. Involuntarily: Formula One racing car driver David Purley survived an estimated 178 g in 1977 when he decelerated from 108 mph to 0 in a distance of 66 cm (26 inches) after his throttle got stuck wide open and he hit a wall. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  9. GreenMachine

    BASE catapult

    Hey Fellas, Still too lazy to do the math myself BUT not so lazy that I can't do a few searches. According to the websites below brown and black outs usually occurs between 4 & 8 Gs. Most interesting piece found was this excerpt: The most G-force that a human being can withstand and survive is around 9G. An exact G amount cannot be determined because everyone's body is different, and the combination of weight, height, and build has an influence on the way the force reacts and the amount of G's that body can withstand. 9G means that a pilot is undergoing a force 9 times that of Earth's gravity. If he weighs 175 pounds, he will suddenly feel as if he weighs 1,575 pounds. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  10. GreenMachine

    BASE catapult

    I did not look this up BUT I would think that 42 Gs would make a person brown out!! There is a bungee slingshot ride located in Panama City Beach, FL (aka the Redneck Riveria) which oddly enough is run by Jesus-freaks. Anyays, during various Spring Breaks visits I have ridden the bungee slingshot 6 times with different friends. The force was definitely note worthy but I highly doubt it was anywhere near 42 Gs. Maybe some of you hardcore science/math guys can run the numbers. The two towers were 175 feet tall and the passengers reached the top within 2 seconds. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  11. Hey Clavin, You are right, the FAA definitely requires a TSO'd reserve for emergency purposes. Also, 2 parachutes are mandatory for all intential jumps from any aircraft, balloons and ultra-lights included. This is why cut-away rigs have 3 chutes. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  12. One of my whuffo friends sent me this. It looked so cool I thought I'd share it. PS: Tom A, sure hope this is not considered site naming. If you feel it is, delete it and tell me to go run a lap
  13. Good Morning Fellas, This is a pet subject of mine which I have researched extensively over the last year since I became interested in BASE jumping. NickDG told me that yes indeed balloon jumps were a very common training method in the early years --- I think I remember him saying it was in the 80s around California. The pros of course are the opportunity to exit into still air without the risk of an object strike. The cons are that tethering a balloon is very difficult because in higher winds the envelope's fabric acts like a sail applying significant strain on the tether --- this is why balloons typically are flown at sunrise and sunset. Tethering is also hard on the balloon and uses a fair amount of fuel, which is why many of the professional balloon operators I spoke with where sketchy about doing it to their balloons. Lastly, there is always the FAA regulation that prohibits voluntarily leaving an aircraft with one parachute. And yes, all LTA (Lighter Than Air) vehicles are considered aircraft and are required to have and bare N numbers. Note: tethering above a certain height (like 100') there is a requirement to display bright colored streamers every 50' so that it is visible for X distance. Nonetheless I still think it is an AWESOME idea which is why I bought an old hot air balloon and a collection of articles & materials which detail how to build your own balloon. Check out these links BALLOON CLUSTERING - using helium CLOUD HOPPER - small personal balloons SMOKE BALLOON - really cool jump ideas Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  14. Happy New Year Dave! The wife and I booked our cruise and flights so we will be coming to see you in May. Looking forward to that E. As for MI3, yeah that caught my eye also. Lots of suspension of disbelief required Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  15. Hey mtnlion667, Dude, sorry to hear about your spill in Florida. I was gonna head down and join up with you guys but the weather was looking really iffy. Heal well bro! Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  16. Yeah Gang, Hope you all have fun partying down with friends and family!! Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  17. FYI: the ninja can't access at the moment but I passed along your message... In other news--- Weather in Florida aint lookin' good. 60% rainy & shitty down south with 20% maybe on the east coast. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  18. Hey Guys, Yeah Florida rocks, not just in the summer but year round! If anyone is going to be towards the panhandle drop me a line. As for the guy in Naples, FYI: Maggot is gonna be in Fort Myers. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  19. Congrats Russel, great news!! After the first couple years you won't even miss getting piss drunk evey night, screwing strange young broads, and jumping anytime you want Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  20. GreenMachine

    120' S

    Blue Skies 460, HydroGuy is under 6 feet and thin. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  21. GreenMachine

    Florida locals

    Is the black hole the quarry I have heard about? Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  22. Don't know who gets the credit for this gem but I sure liked the idea when I read it. Most people live life like they will never die... And die as though they had never lived. Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  23. Happy Thanksgiving Dave. Enjoy your jump! Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM
  24. Age: 34 Years Experience: 5 months BASE Jumps: 7 Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM