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  1. jhog72


    I originally thought this product was pretty good. The user interface is okay, and the logging seems to be good. But once I started having problems with the computer interface, I discovered that there was virtually NO support. Emails go unanswered, wires get crossed, questions about my problem get asked again...and again...and again...BUT I never seem to get ANSWERS. So, I'm left floundering with a sub-par product that does not meet my needs, and I have nobody to turn to. Such a shame...
  2. pandamonium, Yep, Dave Billings is NOTORIOUSLY absent from the line-up. How awkward that the author said (paraphrase), "The SIX team members are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5". Faux pas on the part of Annette O'Neil ?!? Good spot!