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Posts posted by blindguy

  1. thanks everyone. Next will repack will be with another rigger because I am moving so I can try all those options. Sounds like for this repack ill just hope a scanned copy is good enough.

  2. My rigger said he cant replace the repack card because its supposed to follow the reserve. The problem is that is is plastic (water proof?) and all of the writing is coming off. I have already been denied flying once where the DZ thought the repack date wasnt clear enough. The rig and canopy information are all but gone so I cant see how keeping this card is helping anything. Is there a "proper" way to get a replacement card made?

  3. Good article. So part of the problem is that the version i saw was different from the original version here. (also see I agree now that at least the original version is just a way to get a pro pack ready to roll.

    This guy does something different with the narrowing (but still calling it psycho pack), which it what i like.

  4. indyz

    You've got it backwards. The real difference between a psycho pack and a pro pack is rolling vs s-folding. The actual technique used to narrow the canopy isn't important to the final result, as long as the lines are maintained in the center of the pack job. The narrowing technique that a lot of people use for the psycho pack is just more convenient because you put the canopy on the ground "upside down".

    psycho pack comes form "cycle pack" and is specifically talking about the narrowing technique, cycling from front to back, the back to front.

  5. timski

    The REAL question is why are you researching the "psycho" pack job? Having trouble getting it into the bag nicely with traditional S folds?

    bored at work and it came up on youtube. if youre asking why i bothered to post, i like the way psycho pack exposed the canopy to the wind at the center cell. and actually i like the s-folds so want to psycho pack with an s-fold

    The main difference i see in psycho is where you flip it and then roll the outer cells, flip it and fold. in pro, you roll the tail then fold. in both cases you are left with the dbag at the top before you roll or fold.

  6. it looks like the real difference between psycho pack and pro pack is how you go from triangle to bag width. Could you not do s-folds with a psycho pack (or a roll for a pro pack)? Most people i see who like psycho pack really like the roll part and not necessarily the rest.

  7. I got a nice used suit that is too long in the arms and legs. I am going to bust out the sewing machine and adjust them. Can you post some pictures of arm and leg cuffs that you like so i have something to copy? Its a RW suit (grippers) but tight enough on me for FF which is what I mostly like.