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    Skydive Oregon
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  1. Is it still fun when it's hard work? Replacing a repeater antenna on a tower on a mountaintop. The guy lower down is me. Probably 40-45' off the ground, the other guy is 20' or so above me. Problem was that I had worked an 11 hour night before heading out to meet these guys, it's a long drive to the mountain and back(3500 feet elevation looking out over the valley to the south), then spending 5-6 hours up on the tower, so I left the house for work at around 5pm Friday and got home around 9pm Saturday And then slept for 18 hours. But we have a shiny new antenna on the tower now! Too bad I don't get paid for this kind of work. Your shadow is a confirmation that light has traveled nearly 93 million miles unobstructed, only to be deprived of reaching the ground in the final few feet thanks to you.
  2. Haven't seen anything like that here, I use Chrome but also have Adblock Plus installed. Looks like something being hosted by Amazon's cloud service was reported as being malicious. Could be almost anything(and sometimes is nothing at all, or something has already been fixed), I know I have seen several cases of both malicious ads(even on the big name legit ad networks) and even forums being hacked not so much because the forum software was vulnerable but someone had managed to hack into the back end of the web hosting provider and added stuff to multiple forums there. Your shadow is a confirmation that light has traveled nearly 93 million miles unobstructed, only to be deprived of reaching the ground in the final few feet thanks to you.
  3. Not sure how it happened, somehow the idea of skydiving got stuck in my head recently and I ended up watching a lot of YouTube videos and reading this forum. Then last week(in the middle of the 100F temps) I did a tandem jump at Skydive Oregon, and now all I can think about is going again. I figure the best route at this point is to go for the A license and do the AFF classes. Money being tight due to old hospital bills I'm stuck trying to decide if I should do another tandem and wait until next spring to do AFF or risk running out of money doing AFF immediately, I hate the thought of being stuck with not enough money for a couple of months and going over the 30 days... Either way, I seem to be hooked. Your shadow is a confirmation that light has traveled nearly 93 million miles unobstructed, only to be deprived of reaching the ground in the final few feet thanks to you.