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  1. I prefer to not disclose it. But it's a big private institution not affiliated with UC.
  2. I freaking wished it! No only went there over the summer to check out SD Utah. I live in LA where everything is just so much more expensive and it's really difficult to build a social network if you aren't into club/partying like the majority do. To me, it's nice just to visit different DZs for the vibes and get some fresh wind on my face as well.
  3. I discovered this amazing sport couple years ago, and have invested most of my savings into it. But the problem is that, as a film major student, this is also a great way of burning cash... Not so surprised of the fact of me not owning a car. Well, I just can't get over the idea of investing another 5-8K into a public transportation tool while knowing that I could buy a brand new rig off this money. But it's even more unpleasant having to pay anywhere from $30 to $150 for each ride I ordered. So here's the dilemma. On one hand, I need to pay for the $60,000 annual tuition, gas bills, as well as studio sessions cost. On the other hand, skydiving is literally my only method of escape from reality that reminds me of how wonderful life is, although it's definitely hurting my already tight financial budget. Is it reasonable to put a hold on the sport temporarily until I somehow managed to stabilize my financial situation later in life? But how much fun would I miss out though... Coming from a struggling college kid
  4. No boobies in this particular case because it will ruin the fun
  5. Same!!! Shoot to Thrill and High Way to Hell will always remain on my Top 10 chart.
  6. A lot of incidents were caused by collapsed canopies at a very low altitude and many swoopers went in since a very sharp angle of entry leaves virtually no room for recovery, the results are always fatal. I believe that most of you have seen this UPT Skyhook promotion video with an example of two BASE cutaways under 100ft at around 11:42. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z-WBBLAgE_s What do you guys think about the idea of cutting away at extreme low attitude and hopefully walk away unscathed? Is it worth the gamble?
  7. Does the C license requirement for ballon/chopper jumps still apply?
  8. Hallo! Jeg planlegger å reise til Norge i sommer, til Voss og (kanskje) Tromsø... Jeg vet ikke om noen av dere har vært der? Ogsa ar de åpne 7 dager i uken? Tusen tusen takk!
  9. I was looking for my phone before going out the other day, spent literally an hour searching for it before I finally gave up and then dialed my cousin USING THE PHONE I WAS LOOKING FOR, telling him "Sorry I would be late to dinner. My phone's nowhere to be found." without realizing it's been in my right hand the entire time. My stupidity ended when he asked "Where are you calling from then?" I've lost all will to live...