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Everything posted by SickMonkey

  1. SickMonkey

    I'm happy

    A friend and I broke in a new, urban object last night. Needless to say.... Just thought I'd share.
  2. My crew and I did a 290' 'B' the other night , two with 42" pilot chutes, one with a 48". All three of us had plenty of time under canopy and no real pc hesitation. Then again it was only one jump, so what do I know.
  3. I've been on three good rides. The best one was an experienced jumper's girlfriend. As we left the King Air I work out of, I could see her hands and feet directly out in front of us and we were off to the races. I immediately arched as we left but between the fast jump run and her crappy body position I was screwed. I wrapped her up, flipped us over, arched, and pitched out. On the ground after the jump, she said something about forgetting to arch and remembering later on during the jump. I didn't say anything to her, but I sure wanted to. Good Times.
  4. That's hilarious....
  5. Mine is of me using my phone to call for poopy...
  6. Disco Volante and California are also spectacular albums. I'm going to have to dig them up and give them a listen.
  7. SickMonkey

    Ozzie BASE

    Is that in the...somewhere....???????? I was wondering because was in the area years and years ago......before I was jumping.
  8. I am broke and the weather is poopy anyway.
  9. I like shipping perishable items for a more fragrant old cheese or tomato slices. It is so satisfying. Edited to add that I would mail chum if I could.
  10. More than one pot is too much. I think..?
  11. I believe they are attached at the steering line cascades and rear riser slinks.
  12. Howdy, I am based out of Minnesota and I can tell you from experience that the amount of jumps on a canopy, no matter its application, does not mean shit. A canopy here in Minnesota with 500 jumps or more will look better than a canopy jumped in desert for 50. The point is, not only is a visual inspection necessary, but knowing where the canopy was primarily jumped will help you assess whether it is worth your time to ship it for that visual inspection. Thanks
  13. Vaginas are awesome. True or not false? This hijacking was brought to you by... Some cocktails, the letters "F", "U", and the number four billion, which is my favorite.
  14. I have a friend who had his shoulder dislocated because his D-handle was dislodged. And pulled. He flew from about 10000 ft. and landed in that condition. Ask him how he likes D-handles. I took the proactive approach and have been jumping a soft reserve handle ever since that.
  15. I have in my first log book "Bill Booth TD #1". Good stuff.
  16. What I really like is to do, altitude permitting, is a 270 in full flight using a harness turn. If I come out a little high some riser input, either one or both depnding where I am in the turn, will dial it nicely. Rear risers out of that and you are off to the races. I might be talking out of my ass, but it's a talent the good lord has seen fit to give me.
  17. Could you post a pic illustrating exacly how you go about this. I'm pretty sure I understand what it is you do, I would like to see it just to be clear. Thanks.
  18. I like you're not like the other the trailer park....... Of course, all cultured folks know this.
  19. Schell's Caramel Bock. "Authentic bock beer brewed with caramel malts"...goes down the hatch really quite nicely. It's brewed in Minnesota if one must know.
  20. I'm doing my very best to avoid getting a real job. I am a TM-I in Minnesota so you can probably figure out why.