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Everything posted by buzzfink

  1. How is it that everyone does not see this? The fact that Luke has not resigned already means that he’s putting it on the organization to take the action against him. He should do the right thing and just resign. NOW!!!
  2. My apologies. You would be correct. They would need the requisite number of jumps to renew the coach rating but I would believe they could be wingsuit jumps, maybe???. Thanks for the clarification. V/R Buzz
  3. No. I don't believe it will. It will simply state you must possess a Coach rating and have 200 WS jumps to teach a FJC for wing suiting. Nothing more. Buzz
  4. This is not about winsuit training. It is about growing government (in this case, USPA) to cover so much more. If the argument works that all wingsuit courses should be the same or standardized, then why shouldn't all freefly course be too. The proponents always say this is a wingsuit issue only and it will not grow into other disciplines. Says who??? I hate to see arguments descend to name calling. Thats a sure sign that one side has lost their argument and name calling and attacks are all they have left. I would appreciate some rationale arguments as to why a BSR is NEEDED? Are their a rash of wingsuiters being injured due to poor training? A DZO who shall remain nameless tried to sell me on the idea of the WS Instr rating. They said "at our DZ we require 2 intro to freefly jumps as part of the initial 25 jumps" and then moved over to try to use that analogy on wing suiting. My response was that was awesome that their program included that! But I did not want USPA to require DZ's to do this. BTW, I very much respect this DZO and think the world of them. As for safety, thats not the reason behind this. We all know it would be safer to require helmets but their is no across the board requirement for helmets. I could go on and on with more analogies but will spare you the diatribe. You've probably already heard it. Like I told DSE at the BoD meeting, I think he has a great program that works at his DZ. I just don't think that because one program works well at one (or more) DZ's that is should become required of all. Additional requirements should only be put into place when their is a valid reason AND a logical need that cannot be accomplished through education and recommendations. My Recommendation: Instead of a new BSR, add a recommendation into the SIM that all method specific training "SHOULD" be done by a USPA Coach or Instructor. Thats my 2 cents. Feel free to flame away at me. :) Buzz
  5. After thinking about this overnight, I came up with the following question: What has happened that we need this BSR? Are their course being taught improperly? Are first wingsuiters getting hurt? Is there REALLY a need for this BSR? Or is this a feel good BSR to try to appease a small group of jumpers. While I personal don't have an issue with the BSR, I am adamantly opposed to over regulation. I do not believe there is any need for this BSR. If this BSR is approved, the most logical next step would be to require a coach rating for anyone learning to Freefly, then on to the next discipline. Buzz
  6. Well said Tom. I do believe the BSR will be passed by the Board this summer (not my choice). If it must be passed, then I recommend it be waiverable by an S&TA. Buzz
  7. My wife just turned 50. She woke up and I said Happy Birthday. She looked on the mirror and said "I getting old, fat, saggy and wrinkly. Tell me something good". I replied "WOW! You have great eyes for a 50 year old!" I am still in the doghouse. Buzz
  8. We had a guy show up with all the right paperwork and membership and he showed up with his 2 buddies. I checked them in. The logbooks showed them to have from 150-200 jumps each. All 3 were Marine Recon. The paperwork checked out. They went up on a load I happened to be on. After the jump, one of my Instructors told me that after I left the plane, 2 of the marines grabbed the third in what appeared to be a harness hold position and they took a 3 way out just as if they were taking a student. After I learned this, I went back to his waiver and questioned them as to where they had completed their training. It was Jim Wallace Skydiving. I thought Great. Jim is a buddy of mine who runs one of the best schools in the country. I called Jim and learned that this marine had repeated level 5 six times. After I confronted all 3 marines, they finally fessed up. In addition to being grounded at SoCal DZ's, I banned them from my DZ. I also contacted the Sargent Major in charge who assured me it would be dealt with promptly and severely. This put the DZ at risk and also put the livelihood of the staff at risk should something had gone wrong. Anyway, since then we take verification seriously. Buzz Fink Skydive San Diego
  9. This may make your turbine conversion even more in demand: Just saw this on AOPA's main website: Buzz Fink
  10. This can only happen in California. Just saw this on AOPA's main website: Buzz Fink
  11. For further clarification, Tandem night jumps are totally USPA legal as long as both jumpers hold a USPA License. As for the FAA, there are no rules specific to tandem night jumps. Mike Mullins USPA National Director Correct me if I am wrong but Night Tandems ARE legal in the United States. With that said, it is against the BSR's if you are a USPA Group Member or a USPA rated Tandem Instructor. And if you do it you could lose your group membership or your individual ratings/membership or both. Further, if you are not a USPA Group Member and are not a USPA member with a Tandem rating but are certified by the manufacturers, you can do night Tandems. BUT, the Manufacturers, from my experience, will no longer sell you spare parts or support you in any way. They are absolutely opposed to it as a general practice... and I agree with them. Buzz Fink
  12. Vanessa now makes it from Coronado to the DZ in 19 min! Buzz
  13. Join us at Skydive San Diego on Sunday November 2nd as we honor our military men and women and show them our appreciation for all of their hard work and dedication to protecting our freedoms. All military (active and retired) can jump for just $10 per jump-cash price. No limit on number of rigs or jumps. Two 300 series Super Otters. Join us!
  14. There has not been a problem with copies of the ballots being available at the DZ. It is my understanding Larry Bagley thought there was some ballots filled out with different ink colors. This can still happen wether the ballot is a copy or an original. So I don't get it? Also, I know of someone who filled out his information, then held onto his ballot till the following week. He then mede his selections. It happened to be in another color of ink. Again, I do not see how this will change anything. I do think it is an attempt to make it harder to vote and thus favor the incumbents. I thought we wanted more members to be able to vote? Just a thought. Buzz Fink
  15. We had a great safety meeting. Over 40 skydivers attended. The majority of the meeting was on proper canopy handling. Special thanks go out to the 5 S&TA's attending, Andy Crout-Hamel, Blake Robinson, JC Ledbetter, Patrick Dassi and Ron Lee and to Wyat Drews of Icarus Canopies for his informative training. Buzz Fink
  16. As a result of this fatality and one other incident where a jumper aggressively turned himself into line twists resulting in a cutaway and reserve activation (landing safe), Skydive San Diego will hold an Safety meeting for all experienced jumpers (non-student) on Saturday, June 9, 2007 from 8am to 9am. We will have 6 S&TA's as well as canopy manufacturer reps there to discuss various topics including canopy handling procedures. We encourage everyone to attend. As an incentive, we will give one free jump ticket ($20 value) to all experienced jumpers who attend (staff excluded). We hope you will join us. Blue Skies! Buzz Fink
  17. I appreciate the posts from people stating there are two sides. Let me clarify some of the misinformation: There will be no break in jumping. We will be jumping in January. All gift certificates and tickets will be honored. Andy and I have been working for the last 3 months on the renewal/expiration of the management agreement. This is not an "opportunistic" taking of the dropzone or something that was done in haste without thought or discussions. I entered into a management agreement with Andy which was for a peiod of two years. That contract could be extended based on mutual agreement. In other words, if either one wanted out, they had that option. There were no hidden clauses or trapdoors. Andy is not being terminated or kicked off the DZ. The contract is expiring on it's own accord. I've left two phone messages for Chuck Appley but have yet to get a returned phone call. I spoke with Andy regarding Chuck and he was surprised by his comments too. One of Chucks comments at the DZ was "we are going to make Buzz Pay". He has also stated that Andy has paid for all improvements and I am taking them from him. Again, that is absolutly not true. Ask Andy if you do not believe me. As for Don Carr stating he has heard both sides, this is simply not true. I have yet to speak with him but am willing to sit down and explain as much as I can. I do consider Andy a friend and think that alot has been accomplished over the last two years. I have vowed to assist him in every way in his future endeavor. In respect to Andy, I would refer you to ask him any details of the management agreement. If he wishes to share it, I have no problem with it. Once again, Thanks to all who did not blindly accept one side of the story. Feel free to e-mail me and I will even send you my phone number if you wish . Respectfully, Buzz Fink
  18. Anyone have a link to the actual lawsuit by skyride? Thanks. Buzz USPA Responds to Antitrust Allegation (11/04/05) USPA has been named in a lawsuit filed by the owners of 1-800-Skyride, who primarily allege that USPA violated sections of the Sherman Antitrust Act. USPA has retained counsel and intends to vigorously defend against these claims, which are without merit.
  19. Be careful going to high altitudes on a regular basis. I know of at least one king air crash due to pilot getting hypoxic. Hypoxia is a progressive condidtion. Meaning, if you go to 15K or 16K every load, each time it gets worse. Here are the requirements for these jumps: SEC. 91.211 SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN (a) General. No person may operate a civil aircraft of U.S. registry— (1) At cabin pressure altitudes above 12,500 feet (MSL) up to and including 14,000 feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes that is of more than 30 minutes duration; (2) At cabin pressure altitudes above 14,000 feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen during the entire flight time at those altitudes; and (3) At cabin pressure altitudes above 15,000 feet (MSL) unless each occupant of the aircraft is provided with supplemental oxygen. Stay safe. Buzz
  20. The warm weather is both good and bad. We were gounded several times this last week for the warm Santa Ana Winds.....but who is complaining.
  21. It's a bit nippy in San Diego this winter. It was down to 78 Sunday. Buzz