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Everything posted by dang32

  1. if you email the manufacturer with the serial number of the container, they will tell youQuote
  2. does it really matter that it takes 30 minutes takes me just as long but am confident knowing I packed it and it'll open nice
  3. I feared this jumped the most. and you know what, it was my favourite training jump!
  4. I use Oakley racing jackets. they cost a couple of hundred pounds but you can choose whatever colour parts you like. (of course they have to match your kit). you choose 2 different types of lenses and they're quickly interchangeable. you can also buy additional lenses fairly cheap. I know you wanted cheap glasses but these are the business, they come with a clip on headstrap
  5. unit gloves but I have a heated vest made by quicksilver. it comprises of a infa red heated back pad and really helps to keep you warm