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Everything posted by masher

  1. 3500? I get nosebleeds up that high! :) -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  2. That isn't the case in Oz. A pilot's licence cannot be endorsed with any condition limiting him or her to flying within a specified distance from an aerodrome -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  3. In Australia you need a PPL with at least 10 hours on type as pilot-in-command. If you have a D license (200 jumps), then you have at least 120 hours total flying time, with at least 70 hours as pilot-in-command. If you don't have a D license (200 jumps), then you have at least 200 hours total flying time, with at least 100 hours as pilot-in-command; or you have a commercial licence for that aircraft. APF OpRegs 3.7 -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  4. Look up Xtreme Recall -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  5. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  6. Although, watching GT swoop his canopy in and score a 10 on the accuracy tuffet is pretty good... :) -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  7. I asked them about the AV cables for the PC105... -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  8. For manifesting? -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  9. With regards to contractions.... What does the manual say about the use of the full stop (or period)? In Australian (British) english, if the last letter of the word is the last letter of the contraction, then no full stop, else yes. eg Doctor -> Dr Professor -> Prof. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  10. There is an instructor at York who did some coach jumps with a newly licenced jumper. She was light, so he wore a camera suit! -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  11. easy simple piece of piss ... -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  12. Turn the question back at them "How should I flare?" "There are lots of ways. How were you taught?" demonstrates "If that's how you were taught, sounds good to me. I grip my toggles differently (or whatever), but it's still as secure. If you want an opinion from an experienced guy, see blah" -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  13. I've also emailed Brian about this. Apparantly PD wished they had made that restriction... -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  14. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  15. Talk to your instructors. General things: Buying new first off is probably a bad idea, unless you're abnormally tall or short or something. Talk to your instructors. You need to factor in the weight of the gear. Your 190 plus the gear's ~25 = 215. So you're looking at a ~220 for your first canopy. Talk to your instructors. Wait until you've finished your AFF. I didn't buy my rig until jump ~70. That way, you've done your initial canopy progression, and you're probably going to keep your rig for longer. Take all advice on here with a grain of salt. Talk to your instructors. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  16. Cookie Composites Their MXV camera helmet can have the box added on seperately. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  17. That's why it's called a trashpack... -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  18. Definately sidemount. Most of the sidemounted ones would probably do. Depends on your budget. Cookie composite camera helmets are AU$710 plus postage.... -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  19. cool. So with auto detect (or manual logging), my 60 minute tape becomes 60-120 (or so) different avi files with their own name and so forth, rather than one 10 Gb 60min avi file? -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  20. When you're batch capturing in Premiere, does the program save each clip that you've logged as a seperate file? Additionally, can you specify comments and file names for each clip? -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  21. What happens at my DZ (C182) is that the DZO films the ground stuff while the TM's brief the student, then the TM takes over for the plane trip and jump. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  22. Is there a RPL process? I know that in Australia, you can show them your ratings, go through some tests and stuff, and get our ratings. Don't know about the details (that's where the devil is) but the system allows for that eventuallity. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  23. They were pressuring him by dangling the 'carrot’ of being able to jump that day, because a rigger that isn’t from that DZ packed the reserve. They were trying to get the jumper to change to a DZ rigger. This was in manifest, no pilot involvement. Derek If the pilot wasn't involved, and this was being used to generate riggin business, then I say that it's shit. And illegal. . OTOH, if the pilot was involved, and the offer of a repack was there to make sure the rig was repacked (ie keep the jumper safe), then it' probably OK. But still illegal. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  24. If I'm low, I keep off to one side of the formation and I'll turn and track at 500' above breakoff. Deploy at the preassigned altitude, (or at least try to) -- Arching is overrated - Marlies
  25. I ussually do about 10-12 rolls, is that too much? Canopy dependent. I do 10-12 tight rolls on my Sabre, and it works. YMMV with other canopies. -- Arching is overrated - Marlies