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    Above The Poconos
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  1. Welcome. I'm a student too and wish you the best of luck. You'll make it if you want it.
  2. I understand what you were trying to accomplish with this post. The industry that I work in is based around the same calculations for everything you do in life. Sometimes the numbers don't make sense to people, or they don't want to accept them, but sit down with someone who makes their living building mortality tables and you start to understand that it isn't a single person that makes the percentages accurate. It's a compilation of a community as a whole that makes them real. I'm new to skydiving and am asked quite a lot about the dangers. To try and give what I consider a fair answer, I always start with the fact that it is dangerous. But I also tell them you can mitigate, but NEVER eliminate those dangers by staying prepared and aware. I wish you only received advice and no criticisms here, unfortunately that is not the nature of this forum. You might want to try coming up with a statistic of how likely you are to get blasted on here as opposed to receiving solid advice. That number would be worth seeing for sure. And of course there are some, and I figured out who they are already, who will be a viable source of information.
  3. I'm a student with a hearing impairment. The people at the dz have been very helpful and understanding of my problem. I've done jumps with and without my hearing aids. The wind noise was not that bad when I wore them, although it took a few minutes to get the helmet comfortable with them on. They've switched radios for me several times until I was sure I could hear the ground instructor for my jump. I'm going to a dz where I feel they really care more about my jumps than they do with making a buck. I'm also pretty sure wherever you decide to train you'll find the same thing. Some of the responses you read on here might make you question how "friendly" other skydivers are, but when it comes to actual safety and training I haven't run into a single person who won't stop and help you.
  4. I would put it in the hackey with a Velcro closing. That would make it easier to pull out and charge.
  5. Probably not a James Bond film, however it could be the remake of Point Break. It started filming this month and Italy is one of the locations where they are planning to film. They are using actual extreme athletes to perform the stunts, so it could have been a scene with some of the wingsuit flyers filming a scene. what the hell is an "Actual Extreme Athlete?" People who can hold in their gut and still breath.
  6. What kind of car and how many jumps have you made in it?
  7. Hey, I'm 54 and just starting out. I'm sure you'll be fine.
  8. A waste of time and money. Fine them and drop it.