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    Skydive Utah
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  1. I have 45 jumps, I bought my suit with booties for my 27th jump, yes there is a huge difference. Personally my instructors were really ok with me using the booties. I excelled threw AFF and coaching jumps to earn my A and had proper leg position with stable legs... I'd say that's the key, start using the booties when your legs are stable in regular flight,turns and level changes...As I said the difference is huge. But as you said. I had to learn smaller movements with my legs which was easy after a few solo jumps, I try not to use it every single jump so that I keep my free fall skills consistent with or without. That's my .02 Hope it helped
  2. I'm at 19jumps, one of the first things they drilled into my head threw my AFF taught by mellisa Nelson was presenting an arch to the relative wind and look up at the plane until your off the hill after leaving the plane.Quote
  3. i live in utah. i just recently got my CDL to be able to go out to north dakota for just over a year and make roughly $100k a year to be able to fund my skydiving. ive only jumped once (tandem) but it changed my life. the feeling i felt while up there was surreal!!! i felt like a peanut compared to the size of mother earth! i love to snowboard and ride motorcycles and always felt those sports put me in an "in the moment" state of mind... skydiving BLEW THAT SHIT OUT OF THE WATER! i have never felt so in the moment and like TRULY nothing else mattered!!! ive spent allot of time and money being able to go out to north dakota to fund my skydiving, ive ran into NUMEROUS set backs and been left hung out to dry. ive been told its not possible, ive been told i need to do something else... well im here to prove to everyone that im willing motivated and capable to be able to do this. ive estimated the cost of where i want to be in skydiving (wingsuit jumping) at just under $20,000 after all certifications and equipment purchased. which is where the $100k/yr north dakota came into mind. (im also $13k in debt from my vehicle and one credit card) i hope to gain knowledge from this site and have a few people explain some things i dont know so far thank you for reading