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    Vigil 2 Control Unit

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    Skydive Palatka
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  1. My brother is a bartender. Can I drink in his bar?
  2. It may be one of their prototypes. Why not send them an email?
  3. A good point. I've been over 300lbs leaving the ramp.
  4. Was there any verbal interaction prior to his above statement, within those 3 seconds? Weird, indeed. His loss. I agree, I think he did you a favor by his actions. He probably has some serious baggage of sorts.
  5. Read this. Also, as others have said, talk to the experienced personnel at your dropzone.
  6. Maybe not learn to fly, but perhaps learn more advanced techniques.
  7. A jump is indeed a jump. However, the body position used for static line round paratroop door exits is nothing like any exit used in AFF. In addition, the canopy control on a T10 is nothing like that of a square. In addition, the EPs taught for T10/T10Rs are almost completely different. I'm not contesting the fact you made a handful of jumps, I'm saying they should not be used to indicate readiness to graduate from the AFF program. -Ben
  8. Will do! Once I get back to the states. :)
  9. I'm airborne+HALO qualed, just for background. I'm pretty confident the static-line round jumps you conducted at Benning do not count towards your AFF. And even if they did, I don't think it would be a good idea to do it, even if it saves some money. Talk to your instructor about it. -Ben
  10. Hello all! I've been doing tandem video/stills with 2 GoPros and I'd like to get into DSLR stills. I was given a Nikon D60 that I'd like to use, if possible, until I save up for a nicer DSLR. The D60 does not have the ability for a wired remote shutter release. It does, however, have the ability for use of an IR remote shutter release. The attached product is the gentLED IR trigger, which apparently can be triggered with a tongue/ bite switch. In my research I've found that some people have had trouble using the IR remote shutter release feature behind the camera, as the IR sensor is on the front of the camera body. My questions are this: Has anyone had any experience with this type of product? (attached photo) ~£30EU btw. Should I even bother trying to rig up a tongue switch on this setup? Or should I just keep using other methods until I get a wired shutter release capable DSLR? I'm open for any and all input. I've been searching several forums, including this one, and decided it was time to finally just ask. Thanks! -Ben