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  1. If this is just an ongoing account of opinions, I'll add to it. There was nothing wrong with the prank, everyone in the air (except the prankee) knew what was happening. So what's the problem, it was funny. Jumping is inherently risky, if you're heading up there you ought to know full well that stuff is going to go wrong eventually. If you can't handle a surprise opening in good conditions, then maybe you need to re-think how you're spending your free time. Life's hard, get a helmet. That said, maybe you'd need to judge the intended prank victim better next time. Some folks just don't want to have too much fun, it's scary.
  2. Thanks all for the replies and concerns, but this matter has been settled. The mods can go ahead and delete/lock the thread.
  3. I'm aware of the process, just curious if anyone had any experience trying it in the area. Looks like a local shop will take it, the owner's son is a jumper, go figure. Thanks for the replies.
  4. Not entirely sure this is the correct spot to post this question, but I'll try. Has anyone here successfully pawned a complete rig and then gone and gotten the rig back? Specifically, anywhere in southern California? Before anyone jumps to conclusions, yes I am aware how suspicious this looks for someone with zero posts. However, the rig is mine, if anyone cares for proof I've got no problem providing it. I'm in a bit of a bind and need cash, and I really, really, really don't want to outright sell the rig. It's been perfectly suited for the jumping I do and I don't care to have to go find another complete system anytime soon. Just curious if anyone has been in a similar situation. It kills me to have to ask, but my skydiving gear is the only bit of kit I own with any value. Thanks.