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Everything posted by tonyhays

  1. I almost choked on my coffee reading this. Are you referring to tandem instructors getting better pay?
  2. In Carl Sagan's book The Demon Haunted World he writes about the fall of the soviet empire and the subsequent rise of psuedoscience and quackery, a mistrust of actual science. The life expectancy took a sharp turn downwards then too. Saw this online awhile back, haven't fack checked it so take with a grain of salt.
  3. So much for "An armed society is a polite society"
  4. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"
  5. Younger people are voting for Dems in droves, and older Republicans are dying off faster than ever. The change is happen faster than you think.
  6. It had better answer 42
  7. Can still use to obtain the pills, or go to the vet. Used for the same purpose as well as stomach ulcers in pets. Don't know about dosage differences though.
  8. Why should anyone believe anything the bible has to say? Conflicting creation accounts in Genesis, a global flood that clearly never happened, even Jewish scholars say the exodus never occurred, and contradicting gospels that were written anonymously at best 25 years after the supposed events took place.
  9. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is a great example of confirmation bias in action.
  10. Amazon wasn't it? I used to disagree with her politically but I now I think I'm further left than she ever was.
  11. Schrodinger's douchebag strikes again
  12. To quote Jim Jefferies "... you're bringing guns to a drone fight "
  13. Ketamine is having positive results as well...
  14. My dad served in the Vietnam war, and if Jane Fonda is ever mentioned he loses his shit still to this day.
  15. I thought it was widely accepted in the scholarly world that the book of Daniel was an outright forgery
  16. How about investing in Aid access instead?
  17. tonyhays


    " I am a Christian woman of God...." Timothy 2:12 comes to mind. "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." FFS be quiet Karen
  18. They may have won that battle but they're losing the war. No need to travel to a clinic when various aid groups will mail the abortion pills straight to your door. Or go to the vet and say your pet has stomach ulces and needs misoprostol. I'm sure the GOP will approve since they are currently scarfing down copious amount of invermectin
  19. Not in any way shape or form
  20. Space based solar power generation.