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  1. I'm going to be operating from a heli soon and I'm looking for advice or resources on procedures and technique. I believe it will be an A350 Anyone got anything?
  2. I've been using a straight multi terminal cable with all the wires soldered together for about 30 jumps, my pictures have never been better and I don't miss any shots. I just flick my camera on in the door and it takes the photos as soon as it's focused. Haven't had any issues with freezing. Do you know where to get the right angle cables from? I want a better quality, less catchy connection, and I also want to put a rocker switch on it for ease of use. Cheers!
  3. I've been studying at the school for a month now, I've learnt a heap. I ran the numbers and it's a very cost effective and fast way to get your first 200 jumps, under world class instruction. The student landing area is a narrow strip of land not far from the runway, but being out in cow country there's paddocks on either side to land off. In December the school will be moving across the road so there'll be a lot more room to land and we'll be able to spin the landing pattern around. When it rains the ground gets very soggy. You can get soaked shoes, but it's also soft for hard landings. Recommend to anyone looking to get into the industry or even just skydiving in general.