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Article Comments posted by wan2doit

  1. Great article - not sure I totally get it but will try the process. Kind of aligns with my oversimplified analogy of muscle memory being sort of like alzheimers disease in reverse. Instead of circuits separating and causing loss of memory they need to be wired for the first time so maintain what physical skills we learn.

  2. International Bodyflight Association has a training verification system that logs skills attained, hours flown and who a trainee's instructors were which possibly could suffice for what this article suggests.

  3. Sometimes it can be very difficult for managers to keep track of how many rotations/flights a customer has during a session. The routine I am familiar with is flying "6" - 2 1/2 minute flights/rotations with 3 others in the tunnel (doing the same) with 2 coaches during training camps. No particular complications with this scenario.
    Now throw in 1 extra flyer or a flyer doing 30 min when all others are doing 15 and things get kind of like a shell game that I do not envy the managers keeping up with and I for sure haven't ever been able to keep up with it or how many flights I get (can't carry pen and paper to mark/count flights as I fly them) - until reviewing session dvd's at a later date. During dvd review I have caught twice where I had only flown 5 flights when I paid for 6. To the tunnel's credit we have always worked it out equitably but personally I would rather fly my 6 sessions instead of doing makeup later.
    I have come up with a solution that might help others and myself. Grab 6 styrofoam ear plugs extra and put them in your left pocket. Then each time u exit tunnel unzip suit and move one of them from the left to the right pocket. At the end of the session if there are any earplugs still remaining in the left pocket u know u lost a flight/rotation or more and can explain it to the session manager to work it out right then or later.
    I guess part of what's so great about tunnel flying is that it's so intense that one or at least me can't keep track of 6 or so flights over an hour or so. :)