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Everything posted by Coleman

  1. I'm not trying to solve any problems. I am just curious to hear people's opinions
  2. I know this conversation has already been discussed multiple times before, and will undoubtably be made again in the future. However, I was hoping we could start a discussion on the current state of wingsuiting/wingsuit training within different USPA member dropzones. What works, and what doesn't? Should the USPA (including us, the members) make more of an effort to push some form of a standardized student program like the one in the SIM, should wingsuit manufacturers keep pushing (or start) their own wingsuit coach ratings similar to the way Sigma and Strong do for tandems, or should we not do anything? Any opinions on the matter are welcome.
  3. Florida, Keith Creedy, a Skyvan, alright I'm sold. Can't Wait!