Could you describe medical requirements for skydivers in your coutry? It's very important for me, because we want to persuade our Civil Aviation authority to make much lower medical requirements then actually we have (for skydivers of course).
In Poland we have to show many detail described medical results, for example backbone roentgen (x-ray), eeg, ecg, and etc ;))
The problem is that many people don't have correct result of backbone roentgen and they cannot jump.
I want to show that modern canopies are much more safely than rounded canopies and opening/landing charactetistic is NOT critical for our health (in comparison with old, rounded parachutes).
Medicals think that we hit the ground with high speed like soldiers at war, and probably their ignorance is a main problem. I want to persuade them that modern skydiving is much more safely than many other disciplines. Help me and help people who can't jump in Poland.
I want to collect data about medical req. in other countries (especially in European Union).
Blue skies,
Sebastian Dratwa, AFF Instr. Sebastian Dratwa