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  1. I appreciate your critiscm for sure my friend, but do not assume I haven't done any "legwork" before I asked this vague question. It's just such a vast choice of manufacturers out there. I surely know PD, Javelin, Icarus and so on. I just asked for any names to incorporate into my list. And I am absolutely sure that I do not need any spoonfeeding, so keep it for yourself. The reason most people advise to use a second hand gear is that it loses about 30% of its value at the point of purchase. If the AFF canopy fits me well, why shouldn't I buy a brand new student canopy I used to jump? I am not gonna swoop with it. I simply don't want a rig that's got 600 jumps on it. blue skies Pinky2
  2. Hi there I am intending to buy a complete BOC hackey system right after my AFF. I know that I will have to talk to my DZ riggers thoroughly before buying it. What manufacturers do produce and sell a 9-cell beginner's canopy? Cheers for naming some of them. Pinky2
  3. tunnel time is surely something I should consider to relax with breathing. At the same time, it can be a premlinary AFF course
  4. Hi mrubin your words make sense in every way and I'll try to incorporate them into my next dive. Do you have experience with full face protection helmets during freefall? My last TI wore one, I forgot to ask him, but there must be a reason why he wears one. Normally they are used for RW jumps but why else? Probably he feels more comfortable with it?
  5. Hi guys I am very much a newbie and did my 6th jump yesterday, only one of them being an AFF Level 1, the rest were tandems, and still I just CAN'T manage to breathe with ease during the WHOLE freefall. Is this normal or am I just too nervous? I am already considering wearing a full protection helmet during my next summers AFF course. Any hints will be appreciated. Pinky 2
  6. Because general knowledge can never be wrong and I am probably one of the most well informed guys interested in skydiving in general who is far away from the A licence. But why not? I belong to those that think about the sport profoundly and not consider a full AFF course with no experience at all. It's just curiousity, that's it! So, can you help me out?
  7. yes I am looking for Tandem Master Training Videos where ideally the goal of each level is briefly explained. Especially am I interested in comments of you guys remembering your first Tandem Jump during your training. Thanks
  8. Hi there Can anyone post me like during AFF a video of a Tandem Instructor Training course? Maybe you got your own and can post it? I am very willing to see one and have been looking for videos a lot, in vain!! Cheers Pinky2
  9. Hi there folks, First of all, I'd like to express my deep admiration for Tandem Instructors, you guys and few women do a really good job up there. it must be highly fulfilling to take whufos into freefall and see them smile (hopefully :-) I find it though, very sad that Tandem has become business with a huge amount of rush. Get up, come down, take the next one. I'd appreciate your opinions on that matter and would be happy if you could answer the following questions as well: I am only enrolling for AFF next summer, yet I am curious. Can anyone who fulfills the formal requirements become a TI or is there a lot more to it than meets the eye? How was your first Tandem during the training? Was it completely different to solo diving? Cheers for answers Blue Skies Pinky2
  10. Cheers mrrubin for the answer, Am I right if I "attach" an altitude of 400m (1300feet) to the beginning of the downwind phase, 200m base and 100m final?
  11. aaaah yes, now I remember them. Thanks a lot
  12. Hi there Can anyone tell me what the expressions for the landing phases are? I only remember "the final". What were the others called? Cheers Pinky2
  13. Surely I appreciate your input as well, don't worry kid!
  14. Cheers for the post! Don't worry, I won't get on that load with negativitiy on my mind. Blue Skies folks!