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Posts posted by base704

  1. Quote

    Sunny and Dove in Peris at the same time! The gods must be smiling on us for some reason!

    No shit...
    I'm jealous.
    I'm wishin' it was my town that they were comin' to visit. [:/]
    You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

  2. Quote

    Bump into Mr. Tiger out in the wild and he may tend to disagree with that statement.

    I don't believe I'll have to worry about Mr.Tiger here in urban N.C.


    Sharks eat humans thus are higher above us in your 'food chain'. Would you be happy throwing a human to a shark? No. Deal with it.

    Again...I don't spend a lot of time in the ocean, so sharks are pretty much out of the picture as well.

    As far as throwing a human to a shark, I guess that would depend on which human...
    You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

  3. Quote

    Human animals are made of meat. You don't eat humans though, do you? No. All animals suffer pain, whether human-animals or non-human animals. If humans treated other species with a bit more respect by not eating them, maybe we could learn to treat each other a bit better

    It's called the food chain, people; we're on top...
    deal with it.
    You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

  4. People that don't wash their hands after a visit to the bathroom.

    Poor hygiene in general...
    You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

  5. A bit of advice...
    Listen to the doctors reccommendations...
    DO what the doc tells you to do...
    DON'T DO what the doc sez not to do.

    Pretty simple actually.
    The way it was explained to me (turned out to be true)
    is that when it's over you'll feel fine. Most likely, completely normal. That is what causes people to fuck up. They feel fine, and set about on their normal routine. THAT's how you get one "as big as a lemon". Doc told me not to lift anything heavier than the remote or a can beer for two daze, and he suggested that I went home and iced my sack down with a bag of frozen peas.:S I did, and I didn't have a problem at all...cut on Friday afternoon, back in the saddle on Sunday;)
    By the way...The whole procedure took at most 15 minutes. In-n-out. Completely painless.
    You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.