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Everything posted by noblicious

  1. It is tandem skydiving that you can experience skydiving easily and safely. Fix it with an instructor equipped with a parachute for two people and harness and jump out of the aircraft. The alien height (maximum altitude in Japan) is about 3,800 meters (12,500 ft) (it may vary due to weather conditions and others) and it is higher than Mt. Fuji, and if the weather is blessed you can see the Tokyo Bay. The maximum number of boarding passengers boarding is 19, the largest sky diving machine in Asia! Dive out after about 20 minutes of flight! It is! About 50 seconds after jumping out will not open the parachute and enjoy the real free fall. After that, open a parachute at about 1,200 meters above the ground, then enjoy landing in the air for about 5 minutes and then land. (Time may change depending on weather conditions) Even if you do not receive any special training, just listen to a simple lecture (about 10 minutes) OK! Please enjoy the thrill of skydiving, refreshing feeling.