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    Vigil 2

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    Wing Suit Flying
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Well, I'll tell ya, I'm sure the Swurve flies very well....... with a more experienced wingsuit jumper flying it. One jump on it was enough to demonstrate for me that it was more performance than I was ready for. I had perfect control of it, for about 2 seconds after I exited the plane. From than point on, it was more like the wingsuit flew me instead of me flying it. The entire flight, including deploying, was the most extreme roller coaster ride I've ever experienced. I have put it in the closet for now and gone back down to a Vulcan. I plan on putting a good 100-200 jumps, or more, on the Vulcan before I contemplate flying the Swurve again. It's not taking up much space in the closet and it will be there when I'm ready for it. On a separate note, I contacted Walt from Redline Aerosports, and he got me into a Vulcan that fits great. I put two flights on it this past weekend and they were both much more stable and in control than I was with the Swurve. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  2. Too funny. Just looked at another thread, where I got a base picture to Photoshop the color palette I wanted for mine. It was your picture that I used as a starting point to show how I wanted it to turn out. So, THANKS! You made my job easier. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  3. Swurve wingsuit arrived from Redline Aerosports today. It turned out EXACTLY as I wanted, and is almost identical to what I had photoshopped. Customer service was TOP NOTCH. After ordering, Walt and I chatted about a few details and rechecked a couple of measurements to ensure I would end up with a well fitting wingsuit. Could not have hoped for better service. GREAT COMMUNICATION throughout process. Made in the USA by a wingsuit flier, for wingsuit fliers. Ordered on 21st of September and delivered on 7 October. Just barely over 2 weeks from order to delivery. OUTSTANDING!! This thing is absolutely GORGEOUS!! Absolutely love the contrast between the neon green and the black. I'm certain it will fly as good as it looks and can't wait to get it in the air. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  4. After I bought mine, I was told that they had a reputation for being "neck breakers" and that they had gone back and started putting bigger sliders on them. I called Aerodyne, and got in touch with someone there who was familiar with the Hornets. He confirmed the bigger slider information. As for openings, mine has given me very nice, gentle openings for the most part. Any opening I've had, that has been less than gentle, has usually been because I allowed myself to get in a rush with my pack job. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  5. Or a 210 in Georgia? Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  6. Yep. 210 Hornet. Bought it 2013 and love it. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  7. RichyR, Don't sweat the time that it takes. Speed comes with repetition. Just take your time and focus on doing it the same way each time, so it becomes a routine. The more times you do it, the better your time will get. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  8. I'll give that a look. Thanks. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  9. Hi all. Does anyone know the canopy drills from the Flight-1 101 & 102 courses. I attended the courses in 2013 and can no longer find my notes. In August of 2014 I was involved in an accident and haven't been able to jump since. My rig is back together now. Back and shoulder have healed, and I have even done some time in the tunnel to see how the back is gonna feel. I messaged the instructor from the courses asking for a list of the drills so that I can work on getting myself back up to speed, but got no response. He's a pretty busy guy and I don't want to pester him by repeatedly asking, so I thought I'd try here to see if anyone else has taken the courses and still has a list of the canopy drills that were done. Any help appreciated. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  10. RiggerLee, I sincerely hope that you'll read this with the humor in which it is intended. I get the impression from your use of the word "he" that you haven't grasped that I am "he" and that you are defending me from me. I have been there. In fact, I was there at that very moment. It was not meant to imply that I don't have faith in my reserve, I do. What my statement says, very clearly, is that the valid point was made to me that cutting away higher might have been the better choice in case there was any further problem to be dealt with. Not trying to glaze over anything. Just trying to learn from this and evaluate what I could have done differently. Thank you very much for your input. I do truly appreciate it.
  11. ChrisD, Yes. Under the circumstances I did the best I could. The point has been correctly made that I might have wished for all of that altitude back had I had a malfunction with the reserve that I had to deal with. Again, I'm not trying to justify my decisions. In retrospect, I know that there are other decisions that i could have made that might have been better. Although I factored it into my decision, losing a main is not worth losing my life. I think that the only, truly correct, answer would have been to cut it away around 13,000 if I was going to cut it away. That said, I did have faith in my reserve and made the decision that I made. The fact that I walked away from it doesn't make it the BEST decision, just the one I made. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  12. PD Reserve, 253 Sq ft. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  13. Wings W-30 253 Sq ft Same reserve that it came with from the manufacturer, so I hope it would be compatible. Don't know how long the reserve closing loop was. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  14. Clearly the cost of a new main is high, but what's the cost of a replacement line vs. a reserve repack? @hook-knife. Amen!, that is why I now carry a hook knife on every jump. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.
  15. It's difficult for me to really tell what's going on in the video... Clearly the use of digital zoom indicates there is a good deal of altitude still, and I see what appears to be a line-over (is that correct?) malfunction. The pilot cuts the malfunctioned main away, and then for a moment it looks like the reserve canopy is still inside the freebag and in tow - as though it doesn't "want" to open. After that the camera follows the main to the ground. So I'm slightly confused - Did the pilot wait to deploy his reserve or did the reserve deploy upon cutaway but not open? No digital zoom used. Low light and optical zoom only. Reserve was NOT in tow. That is the PC that you see. Just before I cutaway, you can see me get straight under the canopy for a moment. I already had my left hand on the reserve handle and, knowing that letting go of the right toggle would send me back into a hard left turn, pulled the right brake down to the same level as my cutaway handle so that I could release the brake, grab the cutaway handle and chop it.i followed with the reserve handle within one second. Canopies must all be female. If I treat mine good, she gives me a good ride. If I slap her in the bag, she will dump me like a turd. Courtesy of PRE7117, love that line.