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  1. looks like i also got mail from the same guy - Thomas Scherff , [email protected] the whole mail was susspicious so i did a check here :-) here, enjoy it :-) "Good to hear back from you, i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kupe project, i am at sea right now so i wont be able to check the rig am buying this for my brother as a surprise gift so am willing to offer you the amount you requested, i insisted on PayPal because i don't have access to my bank account online and i don't have internet banking too, but i can pay from my PayPal account as i have my bank a/c attached to it, all i will need is your PayPal email address to make the payment, and if you don't have a PayPal account yet, i will suggest you set one up at www.paypal.com it will not take you more than 3 mins to do that, i will be expecting your PayPal email so that i will make payment, i have a pick-up agent that will come for the pick-up they will also determine and secure the shipment once payment has been sorted, i will also need your full name and phone number."
  2. :-) thnx for the info...i don't mind ads (mostly i look through tablet, i think there's even no possiblity for ad block), but just wondered why it always is showing way off topic ads
  3. :-) i would thought also, but elswhere the ads bring up go pro and stuff like that..
  4. at first i didn't notice, but as i come more often to dropzone site, i can't escape this stupid ad about "57 year old looks 35" and woman all painted in some red #%£$! scares me every time so my question- does this ad shows only for my ip address or does it shows to everybody? and more importait - what is the rationale to advertise some facial cosmetics on dropzone site???