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  1. I know the guy who made this video (I might post him the link to this thread), and I've jumped with the canopy myself a couple of times. It's a spectre 230 (he was doing some clear and pulls to practice a large 7-cell since he was planning to take on basejumping). Your conclusions (in general) are correct: One of the strings to cock the slider got tangled up with some of his lines on opening. He checked whether he wanted to fly / land the canopy, didn't like what he saw and decided to go for plan B. He was renting the canopy, and this was the first jump of the day - so he didn't pack the canopy himself before this jump. It's therefore difficult to say how the slider was handled / prepped during packing.
  2. For future reference, this might help: http://sunpath.com/old/web_en/?menu_level1=3&menu_level2=4
  3. That's gonna be too large probably. Unless you have a really tall torso. I'm 6'5 and I jump a C19..
  4. After getting my A-license I talked to the local riggers to ask some advice for my first skydiving suit. They highly recommend Symbiosis and I couldn't be any happier that they did..! There are quite some options in colors and modifications. For instance, I asked for some extra cordura pads on the knees, and this was no problem (for a small and reasonable fee of course). The suit is comfortable, the booties and grips are great, and after 80 jumps it still looks as good as new. 5/5, would highly recommend.
  5. Ollieeeeeeeee


    Bought a Z1 helmet 8 jumps ago, and I'm loving it so far! It's warm, the visor doesn't fog up, and there's a lot less noise from the wind. Because of this I feel more focused during the jump, hear my audible altimeter a lot better (there are pockets for 1 on each side of the helmet), and cold air doesn't bother me nearly as much. The helmet itself is basically one-size-fits-all; the actual size of the helmet is determined by the liner (fabric) on the inside, which can be replaced. I've heard some people that had some trouble with the sizing - apparently not every shape of head fits perfectly in this helmet. Would I recommend it? Yes! However, if you're buying it online I would recommend trying one on before you order it (either from a friend, or in a store). The only downside, is that it's a bit tricky opening the visor with gloves on (although not impossible, just takes me a few seconds).
  6. Right around the time I learned to pack my own gear, I got my first rig. 10 jumps with a canopy with dacron lines, after which I bought a used canopy with microlines. Since I had large rubber bands on my D-bag from my previous canopy I used double-stows. Openings were decent, about as good as you can expect from a beginning packer. One day I was a bit lazy, and had one of the packers pack it for me. Apparently the guy didn't use double stows.. Line-dump => heard a loud bang => saw stars.. Landed, could barely stand, had huge black bruises on my legs, and had a headache for 1 1/2 weeks (probably wiplash). Since this happened I ALWAYS packed my gear myself.. TL;DR: Large rubber bands, microlines. Packer didn't use double stows => linedump => bad times.
  7. Thanks for all your replies..! So.. does anyone know of any alternatives for a release system for the z-1 parasport italia fullface helmets? I can find several for cookie helmets, but I'm having trouble finding something suitable for a z-1..
  8. Hey guys, As of right now this is not a pressing concern (I'm not jumping with a camera just yet), but I was wondering if anyone has experience with this helmet release system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOU3ycmXzvY http://www.skydive-safety.com/Camera-Helmet-Release.html I'm asking because my current helmet is a Z-1 full-face helmet, and I can't find any release systems available for this helmet. So.. any thoughts? Anyone know of any alternatives for the z-1 full-face? Thanks..!