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  1. Senior Parachute Riggers Course, Back Rating, 9 tough days of classes and rigging work to prepare for the FAA Senior Parachute Riggers test. January 18th through the 26th. Located in the Midwest near KC, Mo. I currently have 3 open slots left! If interested or for more info please contact me at 816 984-4432 or e-mail [email protected]
  2. After a serious injury of a larger student jumper, the plaintiffs attorney will tell the jury that it is common knowledge that persons near or at the legal limit of weight whom get involved in the sport of skydiving are at much greater risk! He will ask you as the service and equipment provider if you were knowledgable of this increased risk? unless you are willing to purger yourself you will state "Yes" you knew of the added risk, he will than ask on what grounds or assumption that "you" choose to put this person whom was with common knowledge at added risk into this situation? You will state that by your current acessment that you think the risk to be a factor of any and all jumps! He will than state "But you choose on behalf of the unknowledgable potential student to place him in this situation of added risk! than again he will ask "Why" did you decide to do this? you will than say I don't know or I'am not sure! He will than look into the eyes of the jury and state "Was it for money? Greed? to operate your business? You will find yourself unable to defend this statement and after a short deliberation the jury will find you guilty of neglignce, or contributory negligence, and will reward the plaintiff a free ride on your nickel for the rest of his entire life!!!!! Do you get it now? Well the 70 something Grandma is doing a Tandem, you control the situation and do not allow her any opportunity to control the jump and take all precautions to remove her the option to injure herself. If persons are on meds they should contact their doctor for his opinion as to the effect this may have on their safety, You would be surprised that many if not most would be informed not to jump! But when they file suit against you, even if you can get them to admit they knew of the added risk you are still responsible and can be found negligent as the expert jumper whom was part of the bad decision! They will find someone to bear the responsibility, and it will not be the injured person. All of the above! OK all you need to do is sell that train of thought and belief to the jury during the hearing. In the last 30 plus years I have put thousands of persons through the doors of aircraft, Static Line, Tandem, AFF, and I can state that the injuries that I have witnessed were almost totally to persons whom were on the upper end of the weight spectrum. Any mistake that they make or poor decision results in more frequent injuries, than persons of lower weight making the same bad decisions. They cannot negate themselves of the added risk, and you as the service provider cannot hide from the responsibility of allowing this decision. .
  3. Phree, TK, and Martin hit the nail on the head! This is a "Huge" liability issue for any DZ that makes the mistake of offering service. I have heard the equipment argument a thousand times, the fact is the TSO limit is the limit! Period! Nada! no exceptions! Equipment never fails until it "Fails" I personally have inspected equipment for over 25 years and can identify, which rig is hauling an excessive weight! so the statement that the extra weight has no effect, is in my opinion not true! But lets get past the equipment issue and get to the crux of the matter, Question! if a 180 pound man will brake his leg from a 5 foot fall, than a 370 pound man will brake his at? If you use basic math it will show 2.5 feet or less. The one thing that does not happen when a person gains more weight is the the basic structure, "bones" do not enlarge also, so the load upon the structure is greater and the effect of possible failure increases greatly! As I understand the object of skydiving is to be a fun, and enjoyable experience, not a long painful ride to the emergency room, for rods in both legs, and a hip replacement! Bottom Line! He is to big! .
  4. Hummmm? that is strange! Like putting a suit on a pig? Sorry I never saw a Garrett that could hold its own against a Pratt! Garretts are screeching loud! require more to spool up! have had shut down problems! are shaft driven throughout, more bearing wear, more shafts to turn, more rotating parts to lube and fail! But! Yes! If you want to cruise at higher altitudes for long distances and burn less fuel, it is a better beast, but if you want a balls out, down dirty in the mud brut! the name is! Pratt & Whitney!!!! Now put a 900 shaft HP pratt on a Caravan! and you got a "MACHINE"!!!!!!!!
  5. Local authorities contact Homeland Security, they contacted the FBI. It seems that they take these terrorist threats very seriously! So the anonymous caller! be informed! they look at these actions as a Federal crime! and they are looking for "YOU"
  6. So, is that the PAC that is heading to Baldwin, WI?? (Skydive Twin Cities*** Yes! Same aircraft! Tom
  7. OK!! To confirm to all whom have phoned and ask the same question the last several days!!!!!!!!!!! PAC 750 SKYDIVEMRVS, LEXINGTON MISSOURI MARCH 28 - 29 RAIN OR SHINE!!! THE PLANE WILL BE HERE! There is a chance it may even be here friday, if the weather cooperates? I'll post when I know more!! Be there!!! Tom
  8. Since most local jumpers despise Dolphin you'll be lucky to get enough to fill up one load. Maybe Dolphin and Chris Hall can pass out some flyers in Harrisonville to drum up a little business? Hummmm? do we still have our "panties" in a wad for the Harrisonville thing? If you were more than completely incompetent, you could have pulled the deal off! But status quote for your kind, complaining to the public, and reassigning blame to someone else as an explanation for your failures! Please except this as a personal invite to come out and jump the PAC! I'll personally take the time to teach you the proper method of how to "Pass Out" fliers! Tom Dolphin
  9. Excuse Me! That's "Mr. Fucking River Rat!" Hummmm? It seems these days I write more checks with your name on them, than you write to me???? Ha Ha Ha!!! O-Well what goes around "always" comes around! Better Abuse? Does that imply that we are getting lax or that the abuse is more painful? Is his fucking rig done yet???? I was feeling sorry! Now you done went and stepped in the shit again!!!! .
  10. I see how this is goint ot work! You ard Gato are going to gang up on the old guy on the thread, Hummmm? you got me wondering now? hummm how long did it take that gimpy Crash to get his ticket? Your beer was cold??? I should have known something was wrong when Gato reached behind himself to get my Beer! Must have been totem them in his shorts, in his butt crack!!! I wondered why they were at body temp!!! .
  11. Quote (Gato goes down in flames.....) "Mayday - mayday....."*** Now be careful!! BE VERY CAREFUL!!!! That mayday shit can get you into trouble!!!! ask Steve O! .
  12. This person is living proff that the staff at MRVS are fucking miracle workers!!! We have seen better results when training pet monkeys! Do you call Buckhorn and Weidmans BEER!!!! Thats why we were always calling out for another! it takes 3 times as many to get a buzz on!! and you have to interrupt the drinking all of the time to relieve yourself!! I should have checked an made sure that Gato had passed the required brand of beer Quiz!! before i signed him off!!! We havn't got to the classic part yet!!! Hummm many people are honored to have my signature on paper! But those fuckers want it on a check!!! Listen it wasn't Cutaways fault! people are usually naked in the shower!! Appearently you were more sucessful at fooling the people on than the staff at MRVS!! WE got your number straight out of the gate!!! GATO!!! SURE! its not as scary if you jump all of the time with your fucking eyes closed!!! If you hadn't set in the door like we told you we would have kicked your ass out!! You cost me money!! I lost $20.00 on the bet that I made on your pack job not opening, I have never seen such a wad of snot in my life!! JM position? we let you set there so the pilot would have a better view, so he could tell you when to get out!! Its a good thing that when you told your instructor to "Get the fuck out of your airplane" that you said it under your breath and the plane was on the ground being fueled!! Good place to start is finding someone whom you don't have to pay to jump with you! You call it belly flying we call it stability! You should try it! Doesn't the continous visual Blue! Green! Blue! Green! make you nauses? Now do we "Really" want me to tell the canopy control story???? Yes! "I WILL HAVE!"' a (Talon, PD230, Raven III), this coming weekend! We discussed this before you left the DZ!! No Pay! No Play!, and NO! you bringing your knee pads will not be excepted as a form of payment! I said that if you can get the bank prez to give you a deposit slip for the service! I may consider it! Now that I feel vindicated for all of the torture that you have put me and my staff through! and all Bull shit aside I must say! "CONGRATULATIONS" it was a pleasure and an honor on our part to be able to assist you in your quest for new found skills and knowledge! My you enjoy the sport and find it as rewarding as we do! "BLUE SKIES! BLACK DEATH!" ain't it great to feel loved! .
  13. Agreed! We need to start at some place and find a reasonable venue to offer the information if it is requested! .
  14. I'll build a new one for quick installation when you come back! I used all of the money to buy Beer, Food, and Strippers when I heard you where stopping by! The water was normal, and you are confused! That isn't a swoop pond it is the MIssouri River! and I sent the pickup out to haul back the Beer, Food, and Strippers I ordered when I heard you were stopping by! In the midwest we call replacement of water in the swoop pond "Rain" Let me know when you are stopping by again and I'll put in a request for rain before you arrive! so it will be fresh! Also we have made a new overhead photo of the DZ so you can tell the difference between the swoop pond and the river! The river has Barges and boats on it! and the swoop pond is much closer to the DZ! I stopped hoarding my money under my bed (much to lumpy!) so now during the week while I am setting around sunbathing and drinking Pina Colatas I bury the money on my property, but it has become appearent that I have been drinking to much as I have forgotten exactly where I buried the money that I hoard? Sorry you left early last time! but it turned out OK! I drank all the Beer!, ate all the Food!, and entertained all of the Strippers myself! (Took me about a week to recover!!!)
  15. [ This is where I would excercise the common probability issue, High profile high turn DZs (Perris, Eloy, Deland, SDC, ETC.) are scrutinized more than most from the attention they get and the fact that they perform so many jump operations in their season, DZs like this are doing thousand upon thousands of lifts per season, most of these lifts are hauling AFF and or Tandems which create a profit margin that would easily allow for a exceptable maintainance program to ge supported. They also have a very big vested interest, in cooperating with the FAA in their district, and other Government agencies, to continue operations at this location. It would prove very detrimental to loss crediability with the purchasing public and jumpers if your fixed operating profits are that high. Also consider the length of time the DZ has been in operation, most of these locations are the old boys on the block! You don't get to stay and play if you are breaking the rules, with the high number of operations lack of maintanance would catch up with you very fast! But a new guy in town with a leased turbine aircraft, borrowed equipment and a business plan to take over all the jumping in the state would cause me great concern! Like any form of aviation, when you start out new, you have a bag full of luck and a empty bag of experience, many fail to realize that the point is to fill the bag of experience long before you empty the bag of luck! . .