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Everything posted by jose

  1. the name is fake, and no one knows him by his real persona at the DZ? How sad to walk around in life, talking so poorly of others and such, yet have to mingle with those that you despise, and vise versa. Sounds like someone that will die alone, as no one would share in such an existance with him. Oh well! Not my problem.........!
  2. Ok, so please understand that this isn't a personal attack or some kind of threat...but I just have to know... How many beatings have you had from those that you antagonize in life, and has any of them been from skydivers ? I just can't seem to understand someone will all your negativity and shit stirrings hasn't illicited a carnal vengance reaction on someone's part. If anything, being banned from one of the biggest DZ's in the world that is easy as hell to blend into has to be some kind of signal that you cannot ignore, if you have any kind of conscious whatsoever.
  3. No I'm not. Ok, well.....yeah. I am.
  4. QuoteSorry. Didn't mean to bring a serious bitter note into your thread, Sudsy. Quote Yeah, that wouldn't be like you at all, now would it.
  5. And to bring out all peeps that have nothing other than to complain bout shit that dont matter. Whaaa Whaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaa. They sound like good candidates for wife swap. The perfect demographic.
  6. Holy shit.....that chick needs a knuckle sandwich. Maybe that would shut her up.
  7. You really need to get out more. That is some humorous stuff to most of us. And if its not to you, walk on by.....why feel the need to flame every chance you get? Seriously? Most of the posts I see for you are you having a problem about someone else's ideals/personality, or whatever. Really life is a hell of alot bigger and more important than this website.
  8. Ever stop to think that your comment was perhaps a catalyst to his demise? You really could have said what you did in your second post to begin with. Just a thought.
  9. Hey Steve. Got your message. Give me a call tomorrow when you are in Bellingham and I will meet you for lunch or something. Call me. Glad the boarder wasn't a hassle. Later
  10. Hey Steve. Your a couple hours south of me. Give me a call when you get in the area and I will buy you a beer for lunch. PM'd #
  11. With that attitude, good riddance.....
  12. #7-Shithead, kleptomaniacal son with addiction problems.
  13. yeah yeah yeah....bite me. Got all heated up, got names mixed up. But so typical of .commers, you avert the issue and intention to show anothers fuck up, as to invalidate my post. I honestly dont know why I give a shit sometimes. 99% of the posters here just want to be a jerk and tell the world to fuck off anyways....
  14. The usage of the photos is for a his stock library, that he sells to magazines and stuff. Mostly in Canada. He does do business with Adventure Magazine though, so there is a big client. We have discussed ownership before, and I am basically signing off on any royalties, but I do get photo credit when published. That is all I am really looking for at this place in time anyways. Ya gotta walk before you can run. I more than likely will ask for slots, plus $200 a day. A day of hard jumping, not a shitty weather day, as I wouldn't feel right about that. I am willing to go a little lower, but will start there. Thanks guys.
  15. Ppffffttt.....whats Norman have that I dont.......? Yeah, I dont think that I will be shooting at his level, nor prices anytime soon.
  16. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? He took his own time to do tests for a cause that no one else had. He PUBLISHED IT IN A NATIONAL MAGAZINE! And even did it here, where a lot LESS people would get the info (at that time). How the hell can you say he didn't make a major effort? I can honestly say that your statements were blatantly ignorant of the gravity of the situation, and the work that one person did to try to bring light to a problem when no else gave a shit. What the hell were you doing about it? Friggin arm-chair quarterbacks piss me off. I commend Hook for his work on the matter. No one else here has said thank you for your efforts to effect change. Thanks dude. You certainly did more to bring light to it than the manufacturer ever did.
  17. Hey. I did a couple shots for a professional photographer earlier this year. He covered my slot and that is it. Just doing a guy a favor and having some fun while at it. So he called me this week and he wants to get some more shots done. Specific shots. Shots that will take some good jumpers with a plan. I have not been hired like this before and am unfamiliar with what the going rate is for these services. He stated that my slots would be covered and then asked what more I wanted to do it. What is the day rate for this? Per jump rate? I would do it until I get the shot he wants, but he has me using film instead of digital. I want to be fair so he asks me to do more in the future. Thanks
  18. Pppffttttt.......TJ sucks.....and I can kick his ass in Halo2 all day long......
  19. I got the message, but I thought it was someone else that I just beat the shit out of.....and they usually send hate mail after a ass whoopin, so I delete them. Send it again.