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  1. I am hoping somebody can help me really quickly!! I have read the other posts, but can't find a relevant one, so my apologies if this is already out there. My 12 year old is due to do a tandem skydive tomorrow, it is her dream. But alas, today, I remembered her heart problems!! ok, yes, how can a mother forget????? she had PDA when she was born, (basically an open valve), at 9 months, she had key hole surgery to close the valve. she sees the cardio every year, and although there is a little leak, they see no problems. she lives her life like normal kids, does all the scariest rides etc, hence it didn't even cross my mind. they do not envisage her having t have any other treatment until she is in her 30s possibly. She does have a murmur. we live in Mexico, use outside the city, so we are already at high altitude. Should she do the jump or not????? anybody with any advice at all would be really really appreciated. thank you.