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    Skydive Delmarva
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  1. I find it interesting what you said about putting yourself in a position to learn. What I may not have conveyed in my previous posts is that I'm greener than goose shit when it comes jumping. If you had quizzed me a week ago about skydiving common-knowledge, I wouldn't have been able to tell you anything about things such as AADs, canopies, AFF, reserve chutes, packing, arching, A&B lines, wind tunnels, flaring, etc. The only thing I knew about skydiving before last Saturday was that it costs @ $225 for a tandem and it looks fun. Between the information I picked up at the DZ the day of my tandem and the amount of general reading I've done, I feel like I at least have a grasp of the vernacular, the basic concepts, general safety guidelines, and just a lot of other general tidbits. I'll read what I feel is pertinent and just keep it tucked away in my head as a point of reference. I'll also make a point not to delve too much into areas that are over my head at the moment. The last thing I want is to go into that FJC and not even know they didn't use round parachutes anymore, lol. (Remember, greener than goose shit.) This has been a very noteworthy thread, indeed. And thanks UPS! My copy of the SIM (I had been reading it on my iPhone) just arrived as I was typing this response.
  2. Lol, those are great ideas. I'm hoarding cash and crunching the numbers as we speak. I may have to take some DJ-ing gigs to support my future skydiving habit. Google Maps has just informed me that the Raeford tunnel is a 7-hour drive. Yikes. Maybe if I speed down I95 and stick my head out of the window, not only will I get there faster, but I'll get some additional practice time in. The good/bad thing for me is that my DZ is about 2.5 hours away. I think that'll be the only thinking keeping me away from that place every weekend (Do you have any idea how statistically dangerous driving is?)...and keeping me out of the proverbial poorhouse. Oh, and I'll take the "booksmart" thing into consideration. I didn't think of that. Thanks for the input. ...according to this countdown clock I found online, there are only 2640 hours until the start of Spring. **sighs**
  3. Dizzy, I took my first jump on Saturday. Not only did I order the SIM the minute I got home from the DZ, I'm also reading Parachuting: The Skydiver's Handbook on my Kindle, and watching YouTube videos on everything from arching to packing. The winter will give me time to save money and learn as much as I can before I start AFF, but DAMN is the wait going to bore a hole into my patience. You are not alone. Is it March yet?
  4. This is an open question to all my fellow tandem-only jumpers who've been "bitten by the bug" but have to wait it out through stupid winter until we can get another taste - and to anyone not in said position currently but who were at one time. My DZ closes for the winter after this week and I plan on starting AFF when they reopen in March. I'm getting my hands and eyes on whatever pieces of skydiving information I can (the 2012 SIM, forums, The Riggers Handbook, YouTube videos, reading "Parachuting: The Skydiver's Handbook" on my Kindle, etc) practicing arching on my living room floor, and learning basic terms and concepts to pass the time. I want to be as prepared as possible before I begin my official training. Maybe if I had been this dedicated to my summer reading when I was in school, I would have gotten better grades. Anyway, what are you going to do (or did you do) to pass the time? The wait is absolutely killing me...and it's only been 4 days since my maiden jump.
  5. That was enlightening. Last August I started running 3-5 miles, 3 times a week. In the beginning, I saw my time, speed, and overall endurance improve. By the time January hit (prior to injuring my knee), I experienced a noticeable drop in performance. I simply attributed this to over-training - I was also involved in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the time. To provide some perspective, I live in Baltimore. The temperatures here during the winter stay in the 30-40 degree range. I never once considered the cold air, along with other mitigating biological factors could be the cause. I was aware that the cold air made my lungs feel "tight", but didn't think anymore of it. It really makes me look back on that. I do all my exercising indoors these days, but I'll keep this in mind when I start AFF. Thank you for the information. P.S, During my first (and so far only) jump, I spent at least half of free fall with my hand over my mouth and nose, creating a kind of "meat mask". It helped with my breathing but I must say it didn't help out my video/photos. I've added the hand under the chin method to my notes in the new marbled composition book I have for skydiving.
  6. Sorry I'm a tad late to the party here, but I just had my first ever jump this past Saturday. What I've read here is exactly what I experienced on that jump - a tandem btw. All of the possible solutions make perfect sense though. I have to wait until March/April for my DZ to reopen (stupid winter), but I look forward to trying them out. Additionally, in preparation for AFF, I've been arching on my floor at home (as well as reading the 2012 SIM and anything else I can get my hands on). Something else I've noticed is that my breathing feels somewhat restricted while in the arch position with my chest on the ground. I haven't done the math/research to see if the G force pressure of free fall is comparable to that of my own body weight (170lbs) . It's something interesting to ponder, however. I'm glad to learn that I'm not the only person who had such an experience.
  7. I'm having a slightly similar experience. I had my first jump on Saturday - a spur on the moment tandem. Man was it awesome! I went into it thinking that skydiving would be a once or twice thing. Since that initial jump I can't stop thinking about AFF. Unfortunately, I live in the Mid-Atlantic and winter is-a comin'. My DZ will be closed until March. Argh! Until then, I'll just consume as much knowledge as I can about the sport. I'm completely lost on the social aspect right now, but I guess that'll come with interaction.