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Everything posted by Bufobufo

  1. Yeah, and if they hold your mad skillz back, find a better coach! :P
  2. Good timing, got the message: down for maintenance when visiting the firebird wing load calculator page. Excellent page for those rainy days when dreaming away, planning the next canopy downsize/up-size ;)
  3. By using one front riser combined with opposing rear you deform the canopy to bleed off some speed and at the same time loose altitude without loosing your heading. Double fronts bleeds off altitude, but gives you additional speed so if you are above the canopy you want to get down to and fly side by side you now will be like 20-30 yards ahead when you are on the same level. Same side front and rear will tilt the canopy making it loose heading.
  4. A fictional cessna 150 taking off with a 27,5knots tail wind will have to accelerate through -27,5knots wind(stand still on runway) to +55knots before it can take off forcing it to accelerate 82,5knots in order to compensate for the wind. Same plane taking off in 27,5 knots headwind will need another 27,5 knots in order to reach 55knots before reaching take off speed. A shorter runway in less time since it had a free 27,5knot (31,5mile/h 50km/h) head wind to generate lift before even releasing the brakes. A canopy that flies 10m/s in full flight will fly 10m/s through the air no matter what direction the pilot choose to fly in, if no input is made on toggles or whatever. The pilot will spend the same time under canopy flying back to an imaginary DZ after a bad spot as his friend following a cloud away from the DZ, where they end up and the distance relative ground they travel will vary though
  5. As I recall it from the original video he managed to unstove one of the toggles before passing out. The original footage has been removed, but this one is in my opinion much closer to the truth then the cut down version on the news: http://youtu.be/a645Wx_ymsA
  6. As long as the balloon is filled with any gas lighter then air I can see why that would work, but if it was filled with air, co2 or whatever makes the balloon+content heavier then any same volume air around it id assume it would move forward when you brake and backwards when you accelerate, just like a football would in the same car. The water bottle experiment you mentioned seems kinda awesome, and would describe what is happening in a very visual way:P
  7. The only time a skydiver experience true zero G is then the pilot decide to have some fun and set the plane in a dive at ~9,82m/s^2 allowing you to float around in the cabin. I assume you get more zero g when jumping up and down on the ground then when you exit an air plane as the speed forward will be like jumping with a huge growing pillow around you, restricting your acceleration as early as the exit. Guess a hot air balloon exit would be zero g also just as you jump out and your trajectory starts to travel downwards, but as soon as your speed picks up, so will air resistance up to a point where you finally find yourself at 1g again.
  8. I stand corrected if I'm wrong, but I think it might be the other way around, el_chester. In freefall once you reach terminal you should feel about the same as if you were hanging upside down if you are doing a headdown. Should be even more obvious in the tunnel since you basicly are terminal from the moment you enter. Can't it be the same thing as when you make a bad exit from the plane, and in the evening notice half your leg is blueish from scrapes etc;you are just to focused to notice?
  9. You guys don't just make excellent products, you produce awesome videos too! :P
  10. Found a good tutorial on YouTube that might come in handy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJhrIyJfc9s
  11. I hope you meant "deceased", not "diseased". Because it's totally cool to make a pilot chute from a dead pilot, but I don't want to pack it if he had, like, psoriasis. Just kidding - I never pack anyway. +1
  12. I'm not going to immerse myself on your thoughts about ground speed, glide and what not, you kind of lost me there. The analogy you use on bikes still applies on canopies. Right now you think there is a huge difference since flying HP canopies at 1,5-2,0lb/sqf seems distant, but once you get more jumps and experience under your belt you might not be as eager to disagree and maybe you even start to notice some similarities
  13. It's all about the definition of the words - student, beginner, advanced, pro and aerobatic. It's the same old story as when you look at mc owners. Many are those riding litre sports bikes, but only a handful knows how to ride them proper or even get 50% of their true potential and are better off with a weaker bike. Same thing in skydiving, and the same kind of people most likely... Flying a canopy at 2.0+ WL and being honest about your current skill level as a canopy pilot are two completely different things for many jumpers maybe me included. Sorry for going out of topic.
  14. Either he is using a parachute;made out of the skin of a diseased pilot, an emergency parachute who pilots use or he meant "Pilot chute". Just like when someone write specter when referring to PD spectre and so on and so forth... http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9fsraQt2a1r4zr2vo1_500.gif
  15. I wouldn’t want to pull for someone not expecting it, worst case scenario see the guy get unstable with a surprised look on his face and a sturdy HMA line around the neck as we separate. In my opinion you went to far on this one, and calling it payback for whatever he have done in the past is just a bad excuse for you acting stupid. I’d start with an apology, admit I went over the line and see where it all goes from there. You need to tune in on the person you jump with. Rule of thumb: "follow the rules and only do sneaky things with people knowing what you will put them through" ;)
  16. Is there by chance any full version of the jump? from when camera is turned on to when he lands if possible. Good reminder how dead serious this sport is.
  17. I really like this thread and regret not finding it earlier, since now I wonder what might have been posted and removed, the definition of nonsense really lies in the observer and opinions are as broad as there are people, cheers! Intriguing! How about adding some additional Information to your "fun job"? It lacks like everything one would want to know in order to respond to your request. Descent skill level?, as in the ability to dive without loosing control? Decent skill level? as in adequate skills to exit a plane without injury/death? Another aspect was the female black wingsuit pilot. I know plenty of girls who jump wingsuits, including my GF, but never a black suit. Are u referring to a black female jumping any suit or just any female jumping a black suit? Are you saying what I think you are saying, that you want to take pictures/video of a hot girl exiting a plane with a slim dark latex suit retrofitted with massive wings for maximum glide, or am I just daydreaming? In order to give this thread more credibility I think it might help you on your quest, finding whatever you are looking for by providing more info. I'm eager to be enlighten Mr.Jtholmes, share your thoughts!
  18. http://www.dropzone.com/help/Premier_Membership/How_much_does_Premier_Membership_cost_509.html
  19. Bufobufo


    The Electra I base my review on: 700 jumps, 74 on new line-set, flown by me at 1,9 WL. Easy to fly no matter if it is in deep brakes or, aggressive flying on front risers. It was turning at a decent rate with harness and when I didn’t give it any input it wanted to level out quickly. The landing was smooth and the wing produced way more lift then I would expect out of a hybrid canopy with a recommended WL at 1,0.
  20. Looks the same as the inside of a d-bag after approximately 100 jumps, maybe the same coating?
  21. Think most, if not all of the experienced proximity wing suit pilots make sure the angle of the line is steeper then their WS glide angle:P Hence they can bail out and seemingly gain altitude by adjusting their angle of attack from a constant dive alongside the mountain to a plane out, still loose altitude compared to sea-level but gaining vertical distance relative ground beneath em. In this video it appears the pilot gains some altitude just before pulling, but if he was proximity flying, imagine the speed loss and the lack of lift after such a maneuver. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMkvPDd-8wE
  22. I'd recommend Performance Designs - Sabre2 though a firebolt is also a great option if you can find one. Sabre2 Loved this canopy! At 1,2WL it had a very powerful flare, bit more dive then same size spectre, good range on toggles and it was possible to fly it really slow before it started to flutter just before stalling. I never had any problems getting back from long spots and I enjoyed jumping it for almost 500 jumps before downsizing. I felt the sabre2 was more rigid then the firebolt, especially when playing around with hard front risers, where the firebolt tended to buckle on me but the sabre2 just kept on flying with more and more power in the wing and tension in the lines. The firebolt has better openings and and it packs small since like the elektra it's a hybrid with bottom f111 and top 0p. I remember openings on the sabre2 were bit off heading, and not as predictable and sometimes closed end cells compared to the spectre or firebolt, but for me that wasn't a big issue, I kinda like my canopies a bit feisty ;) Sabre2 video from PD http://youtu.be/VKxMN8C3TtE http://www.performancedesigns.com/sabre2.asp
  23. I kind of agree with Backintothesky about the bitter aftertaste. Being used to exciting action filled base clips on YouTube that documentary had a bit of sour surprise in it! Got the same uneasy feeling as when I watched the Clint Eastwood movie, Million Dollar Baby for the first time. Good documentary nevertheless, some people will think that what we do is madness no matter how we perform once we leave the plane ;) Not sure if it has been posted here on dropzone before, know it has been on basejumper forum some time ago. This homemade BASE documentary made me postpone my BASE fjc for another year. (Caution: nothing blurred out) http://youtu.be/vxhlhmlwSB4
  24. Hold your horses and wait until she is done with the AFF. Don't spoil your girlfriend with gear as it will be your headache when she leaves you for the local sky-god, taking her on for some "coaching" ;) On a more serious note... I wouldn't put a PD-sabre I, PDF-merit or any other canopy with a hard opening reputation in any rig no matter if someone gave it to me. Go for something like a spectre 170sqf instead for soft consistent openings and low probability of slammers. Let her do some rental jumps this year, and if all goes well you can spend the winter looking for gear together for the next season. This way she will have some rental jumps up her sleeve and you know if she is an ass landing queen who should be equipped with a huge navigator 280, FLiK 308 dropped in zero wind on a grassy field or.. if she might handle a spectre 170/150 ;)