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  1. Thanks for the info. I hope to find somewhere near me to do my first training but there seems like lots of great places in the US when im ready!Quote
  2. Thank you, hopefully they will make themselves known. When I come to the states I usually end up in mammoth, bear, crystal or up in BC to snowboard. It changes every year and I rarely get to choose where, but im planning on doing an AFF course locally to get me started
  3. Thank you so much, its exactly what I was looking for. im so excited about having a go at jumping, there seems so many beautiful places to try, im glad to be back in Norway!
  4. I thought I would introduce myself, im currently living in oslo, are there many people on here from Norway? I want to find somewhere to train as I am desperate to start learning. I spend atleast a couple of months of the year in the states working/snowboarding so if theres anywhere I need to check out please let me know.
  5. hello everyone. Im not even sure if im in the right place asking here. I have no experience at all! I have recently moved to Oslo and would really like to start sky diving. I travel a lot for work so if anyone knows of somewhere I can get training please let me know if you have recommendations. thanks lau